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CWPA in October/November

A Monthly Update for Members

Dear Members,


I’m not sure if I’m the only one who’s trying to wrap her head around the fact that it’s already November! This semester, well and 2023, has gone by incredibly fast!

While October was relatively slow at CWPA, November is shaping up to be a busy month for us.

Topics in this Newsletter

CWPA 2023 – 2024 Committees

Summer Conference Updates

CWPA Officers

CWPA Culture Assessment Updates

Upcoming Events


CWPA 2023 – 2024 Committees


The 2023 – 2024 committees have been formed. You can check CWPA Committee Members for the new committee rosters and updated committee charges. Expect to see communication from committee chairs in the coming few months.

I’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who completed the 2023 – 2024 committee form, expressing interest to serve the organization on one of the eight committees we are running this year. I’d particularly like to thank returning committee members and chairs who wanted to serve for another year on their respective committees. As a voluntary organization, members’ and officers’ labor is what keeps us going, so I’m sincerely grateful for all committee members and chairs.


Summer Conference Updates


Many of you have asked me or EB members about updates on our summer conference. Because I’m committed to transparency with our members, I’m sharing some updates.

Unfortunately, we did not receive applications to host the 2024 summer conference. This means that we won’t have an in-person conference in 2024. However, and because we would like to continue the amazing energy and momentum from Reno, the Executive Board is meeting in November to discuss alternative programming. Our goal is to stay connected to you and to create a space for learning among WPAs.

I’m inviting your suggestions and ideas for that alternative programming.

Please send your ideas and whether you’d like to help to ( by Tuesday 11/14. I’ll share all those ideas at the EB meeting, the outcomes of which will be shared in an eBulletin to members.


CWPA Officers


We are searching for a new Secretary and Treasurer to replace Kelly Blewett and Mary McCall, respectively. We are also still accepting applications for our new Communications Coordinator position. These positions are a great opportunity to be part of CWPA leadership team and to learn about the organization’s operations firsthand. Each position comes with its own benefits.

Please consider applying and encourage others to join us.

Secretary and Treasurer Positions

Communications Coordinator Position


CWPA Culture Assessment Updates


CWPA has received the final Culture Assessment Report from OEC last month. I have shared the report with EB members who will have the opportunity to discuss it in depth with OEC team on December 15. In the spirit of transparency, the report will be shared on our website after that meeting.

For now, and if you missed the culture assessment updates I shared earlier, check them out CWPA Culture Assessment Update.


Upcoming Events

We have two exciting events coming up in November and December:

Nov 17: Resources and Strategies for Writing Program Leaders with Online Programs and Courses

This is a FREE Member-Only Workshop facilitated by Erin Lehman, CWPA EB Member, in collaboration with Casey McArdle, Jessie Borgman.

Dec 8: Mindful Leadership for Writing Program Administrators: Recognizing Values and Setting Intentions

This is the first of two workshops on mindful leadership by Susan Miller-Cochran and Cheri Lemieux Spiegel. Registration for the May workshop (“Mindful Leadership for Writing Program Administrators: Exercising Compassion through(out) Reflection”) is FREE for those who register for the December workshop. Reserve your seat for this BOGO offer.


As always, I appreciate and welcome all your feedback and input.




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