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Seahorn is CWPA New Treasurer
Dear CWPA Members,
It's my pleasure to announce that Christal Seahorn is CWPA's new Treasurer as of February 1, 2024 after a unanimous vote on her appointment by the Executive Board.
Dr. Seahorn is Associate Professor of Writing and Digital Rhetoric at University of Houston-Clear Lake. She has served on the Executive Board as an elected member since July 2023, and she serves on CWPA Mentoring Committee. You can learn more about her work by visiting her website:
By becoming CWPA Treasurer, Dr. Seahorn will serve on the Executive Board as an Ex-officio, thus resigning her seat on the EB as an elected member. There will be a call for nomination to fill her seat through 2026 shortly.
As we welcome Dr. Seahorn to her new leadership position, I'd like to extend my sincere gratitude to CWPA past Treasurer Mary McCall who not only was an amazing treasurer, but she also continued to serve the organization diligently after her term had ended. We are so grateful for your labor, Mary.
Please join me in thanking Mary and congratulating Christal.