2022 CWPA Breakfast: Mentorship Exchange: Building Foundations
Wednesday, March 9 | 8:30-9:30pm (EST)
5:30pm Pacific, 7:30pm Central, 12:30 pm AEST (the next day!)
Event to be held virtually on Zoom. See link below.
A Breakfast for Dinner Event
Though the 2022 "breakfast" will be held in the evening in the US, it's always breakfast time somewhere, and who doesn't love having breakfast for dinner occasionally? So bring your coffee, mimosa, or other refreshment, and join us for a relaxing, collaborative, and uplifting timeout from formal conferencing.
Description: In the spirit of staying connected even as we remain distant, this year's CWPA Breakfast will emphasize building mentorship relationships. This event will feature the work of WPA-GO and their mentoring programs, highlight the importance of strong mentoring foundations, and provide ample space for folks to connect.
8:15pm - Zoom opens
8:30pm - Introductions and Announcements
- CWPA Leadership: Susan Thomas
- WPA-GO Leadership:
- Laura Hardin Marshall, Chair, Saint Louis University
- LinkedIn Presence, WPA-GO’s Reading List, & Graduate Research Series
- Kathleen Lyons, Vice Chair, University of Delaware
- Ways to connect with WPA-GO
- Jennifer Burke Reifman, Mentoring Committee Chair, UC Davis
- Breakfast Buddies & Anti-Racist Book Club
8:40 pm - Mentoring Foundations Discussion/Writing Activity
- What is good mentorship? What does it look like? What practices does it entail? What characteristics make for a good mentor-mentee relationship?
- Everyone write their responses: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1M13HcHvTZ35IMr8cwxUbYOp4rBuce2UYWnBy9qSYQM4/edit?usp=sharing
- Full group discussion: What themes do you notice?
8:50 pm - Breakout Rooms for Breakfast Buddies and Other Mentoring Opportunities
- Breakfast Buddy Pairs (~10 rooms)
- List Here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-Wki_f_0A5T7VA4v3NcxRtx377LNu4ewd57FF1FlFuU/edit#gid=0
- Themed Rooms:
- Preparing for the Job Market
- What was the most unexpected part of being on the job market?
- What is the best advice you received when you first went on the market?
- Navigating the Institution
- How did you learn about the culture and expectations at your current institution? While making the move from grad school to your current job?
- Publishing
- What is your process for submitting something for publication?
- What do you wish you knew while working on your first publication?
- What are some key things to think about when writing for publication versus seminar, conference, and/or dissertation writing?
- This will be a FREE event! However, donations to the Connors Fund (to support graduate students) are strongly encouraged for all faculty who are in a position to contribute. Please see Donate link below.
- WPA-GO Breakfast Buddies: If you signed up to be a Breakfast Buddy, you will be meeting in one of the breakout rooms assigned specifically for these small groups. You can sign up here.
Breakfast Zoom Link
Connors Fund Donation