WPA Journal Archives
All files are in Adobe PDF format and have been optimized for Web viewing. You can download the free Adobe Reader browser plug-in here. Content is copyrighted by the Council of Writing Program Administrators and are embargoed (accessible only to subscribers) for a period of 1 year. Articles may not be republished without permission but may be downloaded for research and educational purposes.
* Credits: Initial preparation of these digital archives in 2010 was the result of work numerous people throughout the course of its three-year evolution. David Blakesley, WPA Web Developer, coordinated the effort with the generous assistance of many students in courses in Professional Writing at Purdue University. Since then the archives have been maintained by David Blakesley and made possible by Parlor Press.
WPA 48.1 (Fall 2024)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 48.1 (Fall 2024)
Editor’s Introduction: Seeking the Next Editor(s) of WPA!
Tracy Ann Morse, Patti Poblete, Wendy Sharer, and Kelly Moreland
Everything Is Praxis
Overenrolled for the Summer: Graduate Instructor Labor, Course Caps, and Other Compounding Impacts
Gavin P. Johnson, Yu Lei, Rachel McShane, Haomei Meng, Reza Panahi, and Gouda Taha
FAQ: Developing & Maintaining Shared Curriculum
Mariya Tsepstura and Shelley Rodrigo
Designing DSP: UX and the Experience of Online Students
Kathleen Kryger and Catrina Mitchum
Building Effective Arguments about Writing Class Size and Workload
Todd Ruecker and Galen Gorlangton
Book Reviews
Review of Two-Year College Writing Studies: Rationale and Praxis for Just Teaching
Donny Penner
View the entire issue of WPA 48.1 (Fall 2024) as one PDF file (2 MB).
WPA 47.2 (Spring 2024)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 47.2 (Spring 2024)
From the Editors: Gratitude, Greetings, and Gatherings
Tracy Ann Morse, Patti Poblete, Wendy Sharer, and Kelly Moreland
Everything Is Praxis
Using Case Studies for Training WPAs in SLW Issues: A Dialogic Exploration
Anuj Gupta, Gail Shuck, and Christine M. Tardy
Moving Away from ACT for Placement: A Three-Year Journey to Implementing Directed Self-Placement
Heather N. Hill
2023 CWPA Conference Keynote
Students’ Right to Their Own Language: The Gordian Knot of Social Justice for Writing Program Administrators
Dominic DelliCarpini
Exclusive of Ourselves: Private Multilingualisms in the Writing Center
Lizzie Hutton
Scarier Than It Seems: Multimodal Composition in GTA Training
Ryan P. Shepherd, Rachael A. Ryerson, and Courtney A. Mauck
Book Reviews
Review of Radiant Figures: Visual Rhetorics in Everyday Administrative Contexts
Skyler Meeks
View the entire issue of WPA 47.2 (Spring 2024) as one PDF file (2.9 MB).
WPA 47.1 (Fall 2023)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 47.1 (Fall 2023)
What’s Next? Writing Program Administration During and After the Pandemic
Jacob Babb and Jessie Blackburn
As My Dad Lay Dying
Courtney Adams Wooten
We Can’t Be All the Things: Protecting WPA Labor from Mission Creep in Times of Crisis
Scot Barnett and Miranda Yaggi Rodak
The Writing Program Has COVID: Community Pacing as Praxis
Sara N. Beam and Mark S. Rideout
Pandemic Administration, Neurodiversity, and Interrogating Writing Center Accessibility
Elisabeth H. Buck
Lessons from Caregivers
Paige Ellisor-Catoe
Communities of Practice, Communities of Care: Building a Writing Program Community at the Height of COVID
Andy Frazee
Advocating for Adjuncts During COVID-19
Teresa Grettano
The “Always On” Demands of Digital Technologies: Finding Space to Turn Off
Stephanie Hedge
When Too Much Really Is Too Much: On WPAing through the COVID Years
Kim Hensley Owens
“But This Is Bullshit”: Enforcing Boundaries as a Pregnant WPA
Christina M. LaVecchia
Achieving Community Amid COVID-19
Mary Lutze
A Eulogy for an Awful Time That Just Won’t Die
Bradley Smith
Building Accessibility, Disabling Labor: Sustainable Models of WPA Work During a Pandemic
Sara Webb-Sunderhaus
Research Articles
We’ve Been Burned Out and Exhausted: GenAdmin WPA Labor Issues Exacerbated by the COVID-19 Pandemic
Amy Cicchino, Sarah Elizabeth Snyder, and Natalie Szymanski
Practicing Equitable and Sustainable Trauma-Informed Writing Program Administration through Disability Justice
Kaitlin M. Clinnin
The Quiet Revolution: How Newer WPAs Are Shifting the Profession
Kristi Murray Costello
Fugitive Administrative Rhetorics
Denae Dibrell, Andrew Hollinger, and Maggie Shelledy
Snapping from the Center: Institutional Absurdity and Equitable Writing Center Administration
Amanda Fields, Elizabeth Leahy, Celeste Del Russo, and Erica Cirillo-McCarthy1
Book Review
Metaphors That Move Us in the Right Direction
Megan Boeshart Burelle and Kristi Murray Costello
View the entire issue of WPA 47.1 (Fall 2023) as one PDF file (2.5 MB).
WPA 46.2 (Spring 2023)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 46.2 (Spring 2023)
Editor’s Introduction: Changes in Action
Tracy Ann Morse, Patti Poblete, Wendy Sharer, and Kelly Moreland
Everything Is Praxis
Pedagogical Alliances among Writing Instructors and Teaching Librarians through a Writing Information Literacy Community of Practice
Zoe McDonald and Deborah Minter
Recovering the Narrative of a Failed Media Studio
K. Shannon Howard and Clayton A. Sims Reviews
WPAing as a Postpedagogical Practice
Jeremy Cushman
The Adoption of Contract Grading in a University Writing Program: Navigating Disruptions to Assessment Ecologies
Sarah Faye, Erika I-Tremblay, Dan Melzer, DJ Quinn, and Lisa Sperber
Review of Standing at the Threshold: Working Through Liminality in the Composition and Rhetoric TAship
Gabriella Wilson
Review of Writing Across Difference: Theory and Intervention
Michelle Tram Nguyen
What Do New Writing Teachers Need to Know?: A Review of Teaching Mindful Writers
Kathleen Lyons
View the entire issue of WPA 46.2 (Spring 2023) as one PDF file (1.5 MB).
WPA 46.1 (Fall 2022)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 46.1 (Fall 2022)
Editor’s Introduction: Minding the Gap
Tracy Ann Morse, Patti Poblete, Wendy Sharer, and Kelly Moreland
Assembling Multi-Institutional Writing Programs: Reimagining the English Major While Expanding Writing Studies
Steven Accardi, Nicholas Behm, and Peter Vandenberg
Examining Retention at the SLAC: The Impact of Race, Class, and Resource Use on First-Year Writing
Erin M. Andersen and Lisa S. Mastrangelo
Standing Outside Success: A Re-Evaluation of WPA Failure during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Justin H. Cook and Jackie Hoermann-Elliot
When Communities of Practice Fail to Form: Instructor Perceptions of Peer Support Networks and Developing Competence in Hybrid Course Design
Brian Fitzpatrick, Lourdes Fernandez, Ariel M. Goldenthal, Jessica Matthews, Brandon Biller, and Courtney Adams Wooten
Directed Self-Placement and the Figured World of College Writing
Kristine Johnson
How Writing Teachers’ Beliefs about Learning Transfer Impact Their Teaching Practices: A Case from L2 Academic Writing
Dorothy Worden-Chambers and Ashley S. Montgomery
Everything Is Connected: A Review of Institutional Ethnography
AJ Odasso
View the entire issue of WPA 46.1 (Fall 2022) as one PDF file (1.9 MB).
WPA 45.2 (Spring 2022)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 45.2 (Spring 2022)
Mike Rose: Teacher and Scholar, Writer and Friend
Introduction: Remembering Mike Rose
David Bartholomae
Interlude I: Mike Rose in This Hallway
John Paul Tassoni
Section I: “Remedial” Education (Basic Writing)
Mike Rose: Remediating Academia via Inclusive Pedagogy
Kristy Liles Crawley
Reminding Us Why We Are Here: Mike Rose’s Legacy for Basic Writing
Lynn Reid
Once You’re Seen You Can’t Unseen
Christina Saidy
Interlude II: Lives in the Complexity
Douglas Hesse
Section II: Classism and Racism
Encountering Lives on the Boundary: Mike Rose as Methodologist for Centering Minoritized Writers
Ray Rosas
Whatever Happened to Average? Heeding Mike Rose’s Call
Kelly Ritter
“Becoming fully and richly literate”: Teaching Antiracism to Bring More Lives from the Boundaries
Kathleen Turner Ledgerwood
Mike Rose, the Rust Belt, and Me
Marjorie Stewart
The Reading Labs: Pedagogical History and Humane Design
Luis E. Poza and Manuel Luis Espinoza
Interlude III: “Just as I have a mind”: Mike Rose and the Intelligence of Ordinary People
John Trimbur
Section III: Challenges in Education
Mike Rose’s Two-Year College Advocacy
Darin L. Jensen and Cheryl Hogue Smith
“I Didn’t Know How Else to Get It Right”: Lives on the Boundary as an Invitation to Public Intellectualism
Ryan Skinnell
My Mike Rose: The Library, Mom, and Critical Reading in Lives on the Boundary
Alice S. Horning
Stepping Back to Step Forward: A Tribute to Mike Rose
Anthony Lince
A Different Kind of Hunger
Thomas Newkirk
Interlude IV: Mike Rose: Helping All of Us Do Better
Kathleen Blake Yancey
Section IV: Human and Inclusive Approaches to Education
Keeping the Faith: Rediscovering the Hope of Mike Rose
Julie Lindquist
Listening to Mike Rose: Education Is a Grand Human Enterprise
Shane A. Wood
Mike Rose: Insights from the Classroom
Mike Palmquist
Notes on Mike Rose
Lisa Moore
Mike Rose and the University of the People
Shirin Vossoughi and Manuel Espinoza
The Small Stuff
John Alberti
Conclusion: In Memory of Mike Rose
Ellen Cushman
Selected Works of Mike Rose
Kobena Bannerman-Jones
View the entire issue of WPA 45.2 (Spring 2022) as one PDF file (1.9 MB).
WPA 45.1 (Fall 2021)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 45.1 (Fall 2021)
Letter from the Editorial Coordinators
In the Event of an Emergency: Crisis Management for WPAs
Kaitlin Clinnin
Vision and Visibility: A Call to Feminist WPAs
Casie Fedukovich
Dedicating Time and Space for Women to Succeed in the Academy: A Case Analysis of a Women Faculty Writing Program at a Research 1 Institution
Kristin Messuri and Elizabeth A. Sharp
The Tacit Values of Sourced Writing: A Study of Source “Engagement” and the FYW Program as Community of Practice
Donna Scheidt and Holly Middleton
“I Know It’s Going to Affect My Teaching”: What Emerging Teachers Learn through Tutoring Writing
Dorothy Worden-Chambers and Amy E. Dayton
The Laborious Reality vs. the Imagined Ideal of Graduate Student Instructors of Writing
Ruth Osorio, Allison Hutchison, Sarah Primeau, Molly E. Ubbesen, and Alexander Champoux-Crowley
Book Review
Emotional Identity and Dexterity: A Review of The Things We Carry
Jackie Hoermann-Elliott
Review Essay
Compassion and Social Justice: What We Can Learn from Sixteen Teachers Teaching
Charles Grimm
View the entire issue of WPA 45.1 (Fall 2021) as one PDF file (4 MB).
WPA 44.3 (Summer 2021)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 44.3 (Summer 2021)
Special Issue: Black Lives Matter and Anti-Racist Projects in Writing Program Administration
Black Lives Matter and Anti-Racist Projects in Writing Program Administration
Sheila Carter-Tod and Jennifer Sano-Franchini
Centering Black Perspectives in Anti-Racist Writing Program Administration
Writing Program Administration “For Us, By Us”: Two HBCU WPAs Testify
David F. Green, Jr. and Michelle Bachelor Robinson
So You Think You’re Ready to Build New Social Justice Initiatives?: Intentional and Coalitional Pro-Black Programmatic and Organizational Leadership in Writing Studies
Natasha N. Jones, Laura Gonzales, and Angela M. Haas
Flourishing as Anti-Racist Praxis: “An Uncompromised Commitment” to Black Writing Tutors
Zandra L. Jordan
What James Baldwin Taught Me About WPA Work
Trent M. Kays
Am I The Problem?
James Eubanks
Anti-Racist Leadership and Representation
Why So Few of US: Addressing Larger Issues of Systemic Exclusions That Limit the Numbers of Black Writing Program Administrators
Sheila Carter-Tod
The Promise and Perils of a Disciplinary and Organizational Pipeline
Al Harahap
The Push for the 1974 Statement . . . Once Again
Octavio Pimentel
White Supremacists and Urgent Agency: Memories from a Writing Program Administrator
Stephen Monroe
Anti-Racist Programmatic and Professional Development
Programmatic Approaches to Antiracist Writing Program Policy
Tyler S. Branson and James Chase Sanchez
A WPA Reflects on Assessing Black Women’s Writing during Intersectional Pandemics
Michelle Bachelor Robinson
Beyond Crisis Moments: Mediating Instructor-Student Conflict through Anti-Racist Practice
Amy J. Wan and Christopher John Williams
Racism in the Margins
Gabriel Morrison and Kathleen Tonry
Countering Equivocation: The Moves Used to Thwart Anti-Racism Work
Joe Cirio and Heather McGovern
“I’m Just Following the Policy”: The Last Line of Defense for “Standard English”
Bradley Smith
Anti-Racist Curricular Work
Anti-Racism Across the Curriculum: Practicing an Integrated Approach to WAC and Writing Center Faculty Development
Rebecca Hallman Martini and Travis Webster
Do Something!: Forging Constellations of Curricular, Co-Curricular, and Community Opportunities for Anti-Racist Writing Pedagogies at Bates College in Lewiston, Maine
Lucy Del Col, Ana Fowler, Sabrina Mohamed, Alex Onuoha, Sarah (Raph) Raphael, Emily Tamkin, Celia Tolan, Cherrysse Ulsa, and Stephanie Wade
Collaborating Toward an Anti-Racist Writing Curriculum
Katherine Fredlund and Angela Morris
Confronting the Comp Classroom: Implementing Anti-Racist Pedagogy and Navigating Opposition
Daniel Summerhill, Kelly Medina-López, and Sam Robinson
Telling It Like It Is: A Narrative Account of Designing a Race and Ethnicity Requirement at a PWI in the Middle of Black Lives Matter
M. O’Brien and Cynthia Pengilly
Recursive Interventions: A Coalitional Approach to Anti-Racist Pedagogy at Middle Tennessee State University
Erica M. Stone and Erica Cirillo-McCarthy
Anti-Racist Classroom Practices
Teaching Anti-Racist Reading Practices in First-Year Writing
Felicita Arzu Carmichael
Your Contract Grading Ain’t It
Sherri Craig
Narratives from a Writing Center: Actively Engaging in the Process of Anti-Racism
Sonya Barrera Eddy, Katherine Bridgman, J. Ione Matthews, Randee M. Schmitt, and Autumn Brooke Crane
Reimagining the Possibilities: A Narrative Account of a Journey Toward Anti-Racist Administration
Melvin Beavers
Interventions Foregrounding and Honoring Black Language in FYC from a HBCU/PBI Perspective
Kathleen Turner Ledgerwood
Anti-Racist Collaborations, Resources, and Support
Aligning Practice with Belief: Bringing Anti-Racist Information Literacy and Writing Instruction to an HSI Lutheran University
Meghan Kwast, Jolivette Mecenas, and Yvonne Wilber
Collaboration at the Center: Anti-Racist Writing Program Architecture at California State University Dominguez Hills
Mara Lee Grayson and Siskanna Naynaha
How to Respond When You’re BIPOC and Your Organization Is Called Out for Racism
Patti Poblete
“Troubling the Boundaries” of Anti-Racism: The Clarity of Black Radical Visions amid Racial Erasure
Carmen Kynard
Bibliography of Black Lives Matter and Anti-Racist Projects in Writing Program Administration
View the entire issue of WPA 44.3 (Summer 2021) as one PDF file (5.1 MB).
WPA 44.2 (Spring 2021)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 44.2 (Spring 2021)
From the Editors: Taking Action
Lori Ostergaard, Jim Nugent, and Jacob Babb
A Heuristic to Promote Inclusive and Equitable Teaching in Writing Programs
Julia Voss, Meghan A. Sweeney, and Tricia Serviss
Programmatic Mapping as a Problem-Solving Tool for WPAs
Laurie A. Pinkert and Kristen R. Moore
Arriving with Credit: A Study of 200-Level Writers and the Question of Equivalency
Debbie Minter and Shari J. Stenberg
Review Essays
Does the Universe Tilt to the Side of Linguistic Justice? When, Where, and How?
Staci M. Perryman-Clark
Labor-Based Grading Contracts: Cultivating a Writing Classroom Ecology of Equity, Inclusion, and Compassion
Norma Palomino
(Re)Considering the Past, Present, and Future of Threshold Concepts
Emily Jo Schwaller
View the entire issue of WPA 44.2 (Spring 2021) as one PDF file (1.8 MB).
WPA 44.1 (Fall 2020)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 44.1 (Fall 2020)
Meditations on the Merganser: Administration in Uncertain Times
Lori Ostergaard, Jim Nugent, and Jacob Babb
CWPA Statement on Racial Injustice and Systemic Racism
The CWPA Executive Board and Officers
Writing Outside of Class: The Untapped Potential of Students’ Non-Academic Writing
Heather Lindenman and Paula Rosinski
Toward a Rhetorical Model of Directed Self-Placement
Zhaozhe Wang
The Affiliate as Mentoring Network: The Lasting Work of the Carolinas WPA
Meg Morgan, Marsha Lee Baker, Wendy Sharer, and Tracy Ann Morse
Enacting Bricolage: Theorizing the Teaching Practices of Graduate Writing Instructors
Meridith Reed
(Dis)similarity and Identity: On Becoming Quasi-WPA
Andrew Hollinger and Jessie Borgman
Review Essay
The Importance of Documenting Oft-Unspoken Narratives
Sheila Carter-Tod
Book Review
Non-Essential: Adjuncting During COVID-19
Christine Cucciarre
View the entire issue of WPA 44.1 (Fall 2020) as one PDF file (1.8 MB).
WPA 43.3 (Summer 2020)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 43.3 (Summer 2020)
Special Issue: Visibility, Ways of Knowing, and Sustainability in Two-Year College Writing Programs
Edited by Cheri Lemieux Spiegel, Darin Jensen, and Sarah Z. Johnson
Don’t Call It a Comeback: Two-Year College WPA, Tactics, Collaboration, Flexibility, Sustainability
Cheri Lemieux Spiegel, Darin Jensen, and Sarah Z. Johnson
Am I a WPA? Embracing the Multiverse of WPA Labor in Community College Contexts
Nicole Hancock and Casey Reid
Departmental Democracy and Invention in Two-Year College Writing Programs
Allia Abdullah-Matta, Jaqueline M. Jones, Neil Meyer, and Dominique Zino
Cultivating a Sustainable TYC Writing Program: Collaboration, Disciplinarity, and Faculty Governance
Annie Del Principe
Structural Barriers and Knowledge Production at the Two-Year College
Steven Accardi and Jillian Grauman
Reinventing the Spiel: The Context and Case for Interinstitutional Collaboration in an Era of Education Austerity
Brett M. Griffiths
Preparing to Become a Two-Year College Writing Program Administrator
Sarah Elizabeth Snyder
View the entire issue of WPA 43.3 (Summer 2020) as one PDF file (1.9 MB).
WPA 43.2 (Spring 2020)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 43.2 (Spring 2020)
WPAs in Quarantine
Lori Ostergaard, Jim Nugent, and Jacob Babb
Writing Program Administration: A Queer Symposium
William P. Banks, Michael J. Faris, Collie Fulford, Timothy Oleksiak, GPat Patterson, and Trixie G. Smith
Analyzing Student Evaluations of Teaching: A Generic Prescription
Alexis Teagarden and Michael Carlozzi
Troublesome Knowledge: A Study of GTA Ambivalence with Genre-Informed Pedagogy
Aimee C. Mapes, Brad Jacobson, Rachel LaMance, and Stefan M. Vogel
Challenging the Efficiency Model: Supporting Inclusive Pathways Toward Student Success
Cristine Busser
A Return to Portland: Making Work Visible through the Ecologies of Writing Program Administration
Leigh Graziano, Kay Halasek, Frank Napolitano, Susan Miller-Cochran, and Natalie Szymanski
Review Essay
Reaching (for) the Future: Writing Center Studies Expands
Jackie Grutsch McKinney
Book Reviews
Composing Feminist Interventions: Activism, Engagement, Praxis
Kimberly A. Turner
Resilient, Proactive, and Visible: Lean Programmatic Development and Better Writing Programs
Amelia Chesley
View the entire issue of WPA 43.2 (Spring 2020) as one PDF file (3.8 MB).
WPA 43.1 (Fall 2019)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 43.1 (Fall 2019)
Please Take Care
Lori Ostergaard, Jim Nugent, and Jacob Babb
Plenary Panel
Sustainable Becomings: Women’s Career Trajectories in Writing Program Administration
Louise Wetherbee Phelps, Sheila Carter-Tod, Jessie L. Moore, Patti Poblete, Casey Reid, and Sarah Elizabeth Snyder
Intersections of Privilege and Access: Writing Programs, Disciplinary Knowledge, and the Shape of a Field
Joanne Baird Giordano and Holly Hassel
Advocacy, Independence, and the Painful Kairotic Moment for Rhetoric and Composition
Kimberly Gunter
Responding to Bullying in the WPA Workplace
Cristyn L. Elder and Bethany Davila
The F-Word: Failure in WPA Work
Heather Bastian
Student Expectation Auditing and Mapping: A Method for Eliciting Student Input in Writing Program Assessment
Mathew Gomes and Wenjuan Ma
Favorable Outcomes: How Outcomes Can Make Space for Multimodal Composition Curricula
Logan Bearden
Book Reviews
Making Class Visible
Darin L. Jensen
Traveling to New and Familiar Places: A Review of WPAs in Transition
Kristi Murray Costello
Rethinking and Revising: New Approaches for New Challenges
Rebecca Petitti
View the entire issue of WPA 43.1 (Fall 2019) as one PDF file (3.4 MB).
WPA 42.3 (Summer 2019)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 42.3 (Summer 2019)
Celebrating our Discipline: On the Occasion of WPA’s 40th Anniversary
Lori Ostergaard, Jim Nugent, and Jacob Babb
Articles and Interviews
Solidarity Forever for Awhile
Douglas Hesse
Tools of the Trade: Occupational Metaphors in the First Decade of WPA
Stephanie Roach
“A Little Coda . . . Before We Go”: Kenneth Bruffee, WPA, and Editorial History
Melissa Ianetta
Commemorating Community: Forty Years of Writing Assessment in WPA: Writing Program Administration
Shane A. Wood and Norbert Elliot
Reviewing a Career of Scholarly Innovation, Mentorship, and Service: An Interview with Duane H. Roen
Sherry Rankins-Robertson, Angela Clark Oates, and Nicholas Behm
Topics and Networks: Mapping Forty Years of Scholarly Inquiry
Kristine Johnson
Changing Conceptions of Writing: An Interview with Elizabeth Wardle
Mandy Olejnik
Forty Years of Resistance in TA Education
Eric D. Brown and Savanna G. Conner
Assessing the Field of WPA with Edward M. White: An Interview with an Influential Scholar in WPA
Sarah Elizabeth Snyder
Professional Development as a Solution to the Labor Crisis
Morgan Hanson
Celebrating the Contributions of Doug Hesse
Molly Ubbesen
What’s in a Name? Editor-Mentor-Administrator-Teacher-Scholar: Christine Hult on Managing Multiple Identities and Issues as a WPA Editor
Amy Cicchino and Kelly A. Moreland
Writing and Technology in WPA: Toward the WPA as an Advocate for Technological Writing
Michael J. Faris
Looking Backward to See Forward: An Investigative History of Dual Credit/Concurrent E Enrollment Writing Courses
Erin Costello Wecker and Patty Wilde
Beyond Good Intentions: Learning to See and Address Race and Diversity in the Work We Do
Cassie A. Wright
A Retrospective on Two Articles Published in the 1980s on Writing Across the Curriculum
Elaine P. Maimon
Susan McLeod on Sustaining Collaboration and Community in Writing Across the Curriculum: A Labor of Love
Mary D. De Nora
View the entire issue of WPA 42.3 (Summer 2019) as one PDF file (3.4 MB).
WPA 42.2 (Spring 2019)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 42.2 (Spring 2019)
More Seats at the Table: Welcoming Diverse WPA Perspectives
Lori Ostergaard, Jim Nugent, and Jacob Babb
Building a Twenty-First-Century Feminist Ethos: Three Dialogues for WPAs
Edited by Michelle LaFrance and Elizabeth Wardle
Your Mission, Should You Choose to Accept It: A Survey on Writing Programs and Institutional Mission
Megan Schoen
How Developing a Network of Secondary School Writing Centers Can Enrich University Writing Programs
Thomas Deans and Jason Courtmanche
From Dialogue to Collaboration in Dual-Credit Programs
Caroline Wilkinson
Meeting the Promise of Negotiation: Situating Negotiated Rubrics with Students’ Prior Experiences
Joe Cirio
Transgressing Unstable Ground: Contradictions in Representations of Writing Program Administrative Work
Kate Pantelides
Representing Pedagogical Change: Genre, Expertise, and the Modes of Discourse in Writing Program History
Annie S. Mendenhall
Book Reviews
College Reading and College Writing: How Far Have We Come?
Lizzie Hutton
Complex Lives, Complicated Literacies: Writing Programs in Higher Education-Prison Partnerships
Sherry Rankins-Robertson
Organizing Efforts and Reforming Exploitative Labor Practices in Writing Programs
Krista Speicher Sarraf
View the entire issue of WPA 42.2 (Spring 2019) as one PDF file (6.9 MB).
WPA 42.1 (Fall 2018)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 42.1 (Fall 2018)
Kurt Cobain, Writing Program Administrator
William DeGenaro
Looking through Narrow Windows: Problem-Setting and Problem-Solving Strategies of Novice Teachers
Carolyn A. Wisniewski
Reclaiming Writing Placement
Heidi Estrem, Dawn Shepherd, and Samantha Sturman
"Give All Thoughts a Chance": Writing about Writing and the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy
Sandie Friedman and Robert Miller
Mentoring WPAs for the Long Term: The Promise of Mindfulness
Cindy Moore
Plenary Address
Innovation through Intentional Administration: Or How to Lead a Writing Program Without Losing your Soul
Susan Miller-Cochran
Book Reviews
Languages and Literacies in Motion: Transnationalism and Mobility Matters in Writing Studies
Nancy Bou Ayash
Rewriting Labor in Composition
Meridith Reed
View the entire issue of WPA 42.1 Fall 2018 as one PDF file (5.1 MB).
WPA 41.2 (Spring 2018)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 41.2 (Spring 2018)
Inez in Translation: Using Case Studies to Explore the Experiences of Underrepresented Students in First-Year Composition
Christina Saidy
Making Collective Memory Public: WPA Histories in Dialogue
Kelly Ritter
Adapting Writing about Writing: Curricular Implications of Cross-Institutional Data from the Writing Transfer Project
Carol Hayes, Ed Jones, Gwen Gorzelsky, and Dana L. Driscoll
Preparing Graduate Students for the Field: A Graduate Student Praxis Heuristic for WPA Professionalization and Institutional Politics
Ashton Foley-Schramm, Bridget Fullerton, Eileen M. James, and Jenna Morton-Aiken
"Everyone Should Have a Plan": A Neoliberal Primer for Writing Program Directors
Nancy Welch
Review Essay
Beyond Satisfaction: Assessing the Goals and Impacts of Faculty Development
E. Shelley Reid
Book Reviews
Learning on the Job and Learning from the Job: A Review of The Working Lives of New Writing Center Directors
Brandy Lyn G. Brown
Collaborating to Support Graduate Student Writers: Working Beyond Disciplinarity and Institutional Silos
Daveena Tauber
View the entire issue of WPA 41.2 Spring 2018 as one PDF file (4.5 MB).
WPA 41.1 (Fall 2017)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 41.1 (Fall 2017)
Time Enough?: Experimental Findings on Embedded Librarianship
Alexis Teagarden and Michael Carlozzi
Linguistic Diversity in Online Writing Classes
Bethany Davila, Tiffany Bourelle, and Anna V. Knutson
Paths to Productive Partnerships: Surveying High School Teachers and Professional Development Opportunities and College-Level Writing
Melanie Burdick and Jane Greer
Metaphors for Writing Transfer in the Writing Lives and Teaching Practices of Faculty in the Discipline
Neil Baird and Bradley Dilger
Review Essay
Critical Reading: Attention Needed!
Alice Horning
Research Review
Queer Ways of Knowing
Jonathan Alexander
View the entire issue of WPA 41.1 Fall 2017 as one PDF file (3.1 MB).
WPA 40.3 (Summer 2017)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 40.3 (Summer 2017)
Letter from the Editor
Kathleen Hunzer
Ma(r)king a Difference: Challenging Ableist Assumptions in Writing Program Policies
Melissa Nicolas
Toward Inclusive and Multi-Method Writing Assessment for College Students with Learning Disabilities: The (Universal) Story of Max
Steven J. Corbett
Failures to Accommodate: GTA Preparation as a Site for a Transformative Culture of Access
Casie J. Fedukovich and Tracy Ann Morse
Saying No to the Checklist: Shifting from an Ideology of Normalcy to an Ideology of Inclusion in Online Writing Instruction
Sushil K. Oswal and Lisa Meloncon
Kindness in the Writing Classroom: Accommodations for All Students
Kelly A. Shea
Developing Inclusive and Accessible Online Writing Instruction: Supporting OWI Principle 1
Brenta Blevins
Rereading and Retelling Rhetoric's Embodied Stories
Ella R. Browning
Toward an Interpretive Framework for Access in Writing Programs
Annika Konrad
Centering Madness in the Academe: Supporting and Learning from Mental Disability
Elisabeth L. Miller
Making Space to Engage Difference in the Classroom
Kelly A. Whitney
View the entire issue of WPA 40.3 (Summer 2017) as one PDF file (2 MB).
WPA 40.2 (Spring 2017)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 40.2 (Spring 2017)
Letter from the Book Review Editors
In Memoriam: Lloyd Bitzer (1931–2016)
Kathleen Blake Yancey
In Memoriam: Carol Berkenkotter (1940–2017)
J. Thomas Wright
In Memoriam: Theresa Jarnagin Enos (1935–2016)
Tracy Ann Morse
Race, Silence, and Writing Program Administration: A Qualitative Study of US College Writing Program
Genevieve García de Müeller and Iris Ruiz
Grief and the New WPA
Laura J. Davies
"How Do You Know That Works?": A Mixed Methods Approach to Writing Program Assessment
Amy A. Lannin, Jonathan Cisco, Jes Philbrook, and Maxwell Philbrook
A Model of Efficiency: Pre-College Credit and the State Apparatus
Joyce Malek and Laura R. Micciche
Class Size for a Multilingual Mainstream: Empirical Explorations
Bradley Queen
On Learning to Teach: Letter to a New TA
E. Shelley Reid
Letter to a New TA: Affect Addendum
Elizabeth Saur and Jason Palmeri
Standard English and Colorblindness in Composition Studies: Rhetorical Constructions of Racial and Linguistic Neutrality
Bethany Davila
WPAs in Action: Vignettes from the Field
U-Turns, Pivots, and Gradual Arrivals: Navigating Midlife and Mid-Career in Academe's Changing Landscape
Peggy O'Neill
Hearing the Bass Line: Giving Attention to Writing at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Shirley K Rose and Kirsten Benson
Policy Review
Common Core State Standards Initiative for Writing Program Administrators
Diane Kelly-Riley
View the entire issue of WPA 40.2 (Spring 2017) as one PDF file (3.1 MB).
WPA 40.1 (Fall 2016)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 40.1 (Fall 2016)
'Flexible' Learning, Disciplinarity, and First-Year Writing: Critically Engaging Competency-Based Education
Kristen Seas Trader, Jennifer Heinert, Cassandra Phillips, and Holly Hassel
Redesigning Writing Outcomes
Carrie S. Leverenz
WPAs Reading SETs: Toward an Ethical and Effective Use of Teaching Evaluations
Courtney Adams Wooten, Brian Ray, and Jacob Babb
(Re)Identifying the gWPA Experience
Talinn Phillips, Paul Shovlin, Megan L. Titus
Preparing Graduate Students to Teach Online: Theoretical and Pedagogical Practices
Tiffany Bourelle
Opening Plenary Address: Locations of Administration; or, WPAs in Space
Rita Malenczyk
Friday Plenary Address: Racism in Writing Programs and the CWPA
Asao B. Inoue
Saturday Plenary Address: Creating a Culture of Access in Writing Program Administration
Melanie Yergeau
Thinking Ecologically and Ethically about Assessment
Katrina L. Miller
Illuminating Bodies: Bringing Tutor-Researchers to the Forefront
Patti Poblete
Enacting Transcultural Citizenship by Writing Across Communities
Matthew Tougas
View the entire issue of WPA 40.1 (Fall 2016) as one PDF file (5.4 MB).
WPA 39.2 (Spring 2016)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 39.2 (Spring 2016)
Symposium: Challenging Whiteness and/in Writing Program Administration and Writing Programs
"Rhonda Left Early to Go to Black Lives Matter": Programmatic Support for Graduate Writers of Color
Jasmine Kar Tang and Noro Andriamanalina
A Story-less Generation: Emergent WPAs of Color and the Loss of Identity through Absent Narratives
Sherri Craig
Troubling the Boundaries Revisited: Moving Towards Change as Things Stay the Same
Collin Lamont Craig and Staci M. Perryman-Clark
Notes on Race in Transnational Writing Program Administration
Amy A. Zenger
Sustaining Balance: Writing Program Administration and the Mentorship of Minority College Students
Regina McManigell Grijalva
WPA and the New Civil Rights Movement
Genevieve García de Müeller
The Yardstick of Whiteness in Composition Textbooks
Cedric D. Burrows
The Role of Composition Programs in De-Normalizing Whiteness in the University: Programmatic Approaches to Anti-Racist Pedagogies
James Chase Sanchez and Tyler S. Branson
On Keeping Score: Instructors' vs. Students' Rubric Ratings of 46,689 Essays
Joseph M. Moxley and David Eubanks
An Institutional Ethnography of Information Literacy Instruction: Key Terms, Local/Material Contexts, and Instructional Practice
Michelle LaFrance
Aspen and Honeysuckle: How Faculty Development for Teaching Writing Grows (Interview with Jessie Moore and Chris Anson)
Shirley K Rose
Review Essays
A New Perspective on Language-Level Writing Instruction
Anne Ruggles Gere
Writing Majors: Signs of Things to Come
T J Geiger II
Online Writing Instruction Principles and Practices: Now Is the Future
Elizabeth A. Monske
A Bird's Eye View of WAC in Practice: WAC Writing Assignments at 100 Colleges and Universities
Emily Isaacs
View the entire issue of WPA 39.2 (Spring 2016) as one PDF file (3.1 MB).
WPA 39.1 (Fall 2015)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 39.1 (Fall 2015)
In Memoriam: Linda H. Peterson (1948–2015)
In Memoriam: Charlie Moran (1936–2015)
Narratives, Administrative Identity, and the Early Career WPA
Amy Ferdinandt Stolley
Moving from the One and Done to a Culture of Collaboration: Revising Professional Development for TAs
Lauren Obermark, Elizabeth Brewer, and Kay Halasek
Community Engagement in Writing Program Design and Administration
Veronica House
Defining and Developing Expertise in a Writing and Rhetoric Department
Elizabeth Wardle and J. Blake Scott
Plenary Addresses
What Remains and What Sustains: Companions in Mission, Colleagues in Action, WPAs for Life
Elizabeth Boquet
Towards an Ecology of Sustainable Labor in Writing Programs (and Other Places)
Seth Kahn
Sustainable Infrastructures and the Future of Writing Studies
Cheryl E. Ball
WPAs in Action: Vignettes from the Field
Composition Condition
Nate Kreuter
Theory Building for Writing Studies
Raúl Sánchez
Exploring the Intersection of Literacy and Migration: A Rich Ethnography
Todd Ruecker
Expanding Horizons: A Second Language Acquisition Approach to Writing Center Practice
Gita DasBender
View the entire issue of WPA 39.1 (Fall 2015) as one PDF file (5.1 MB).
WPA 38.2 (Spring 2015)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 38.2 (Spring 2015)
Letter from the Book Review Editors
"Singing Wonderfully": Remembering the Scholarship of Linda Bergmann
Lauren Fitzgerald, Rita Malenczyk, and Kelly Ritter
Disabling Writing Program Administration
Amy Vidali
How Do Dual Credit Students Perform on College Writing Tasks After They Arrive on Campus? Empirical Data from a Large-Scale Study
Kristine Hansen, Brian Jackson, Brett C. McInelly, & Dennis Eggett
Making the Most of Networked Communication in Writing Program Assessment
Sonya Lancaster, Heather Bastian, Justin Ross Sevenker, & E.A. Williams
Making Space for Service Learning in First-Year Composition
Thomas Sura
Plenary Addresses
The WPA as Worker: What Would John Ruskin Say? What Would My Dad?
Douglas D. Hesse
Absence and Action: Making Visible WPA Work
Melissa Ianetta
Writing Program Faculty and Administrators as Public Intellectuals: Opportunities and Challenges
Duane Roen
Imperative as a River: Interview with Heidi Estrem
Shirley K Rose
Looking at Language to Learn about Race and Racism
Asao B. Inoue
- Eddy, Robert, and Victor Villanueva, eds. A Language and Power Reader: Representations of Race in a "Post-Racist" Era
Stone Walls Do Not a Prison Make
Irvin Peckham
- Malenczyk, Rita, ed. A Rhetoric for Writing Program Administrators
Twelve Teachers Teaching
Jessica Nastal-Dema
- Coxwell-Teague, Deborah, and Ronald F. Lunsford, eds. First-Year Composition: From Theory to Practice
Reconsidering Content in First-Year Composition: A Study of "Teaching for Transfer"
Mary Jo Reiff
- Yancey, Kathleen Blake, Liane Robertson, and Kara Taczak. Writing across Contexts: Transfer, Composition, and Sites of Writing
View the entire issue of WPA 38.2 (Spring 2015) as one PDF file (3.8 MB).
WPA 38.1 (Fall 2014)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 38.1 (Fall 2014)
People of Color Caucus Statement
Social Contexts of Writing Assessment: Toward an Ecological Construct of the Rater
Dylan B. Dryer and Irvin Peckham
Thinking Liminally: Exploring the (com)Promising Positions of the Liminal WPA
Talinn Phillips, Paul Shovlin, and Megan Titus
Understanding Why Linked Courses Can Succeed with Students but Fail with Institutions
Ann C. Dean
Relentless Engagement with State Educational Policy Reform: Collaborating to Change the Writing Placement Conversation
Heidi Estrem, Dawn Shepherd, and Lloyd Duman
Revising FYC Outcomes for a Multimodal, Digitally Composed World: The WPA Outcomes Statement for First-Year Composition (Version 3.0)
Dylan B. Dryer, Darsie Bowden, Beth Brunk-Chavez, Susanmarie Harrington, Bump Halbritter, and Kathleen Blake Yancey For the WPA Outcomes Statement Revision Task Force
WPA Outcomes Statement for First-Year Composition
Review Essay
Writing in Digital Environments: Everything Old Is New Again
Norbert Elliot
- Alexander, Jonathan, and Jacqueline Rhodes. On Multimodality: New Media in Composition Studies
- Barton, David, and Carmen Lee. Language Online: Investigating Digital Texts and Practices
- Berry, Patrick W., Gail E. Hawisher, and Cynthia L. Selfe. Transnational Literate Lives in Digital Times
- Borrowman, Shane, ed. On the Blunt Edge: Technology in Composition's History and Pedagogy
- Braun, Catherine C. Cultivating Ecologies for Digital Media Work: The Case of English Studies
- Delagrange, Susan H. Technologies of Wonder: Rhetorical Practice in a Digital World
- Halbritter, Bump. Mics, Cameras, Symbolic Action: Audio-Visual Rhetoric for Writing Teachers
- Journet, Debra, Cheryl Ball, and Ryan Trauman, eds. The New Work of Composing
- McKee, Heidi A., and Dànielle Nicole DeVoss, eds. Digital Writing Assessment and Evaluation
- National Writing Project (Dànielle Nicole DeVoss, Elyse Eidman-Aadahl, and Troy Hicks). Because Digital Writing Matters: Improving Student Writing in Online and Multimedia Environments
View the entire issue of WPA 38.1 (Fall 2014) as one PDF file (3.4 MB).
WPA 37.2 (Spring 2014)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 37.2 (Spring 2014)
From the New Editors: Dear WPA Readers
Strengthening Graduate Student Preparation for WPA Work
Cristyn L. Elder, Megan Schoen, and Ryan Skinnell
A Bird's Eye View of Writing Centers: Institutional Infrastructure, Scope and Programmatic Issues, Reported Practices
Emily Isaacs and Melinda Knight
Writing Program Assessment and the Mission-Driven Institution
Kristine Johnson
To See What's Real and Sell It: The New Rhetoric, Writing in the Disciplines, and Value Judgments
Don J. Kraemer
Feminism, Mindfulness and the Small University jWPA
Christy Wenger
Flat and Fertile: A Conversation About the Writing Program at Illinois State University
Shirley K Rose and Joyce Walker
Review Essays
"All Things to All People": The Expanding Role of Writing Centers
Rebecca Lorimer Leonard and David Stock
- Babcock, Rebecca Day, and Terese Thonus. Researching the Writing Center: Towards an Evidence-Based Practice
- Geller, Anne Ellen, and Michele Eodice, eds. Working with Faculty Writers
- Grutsch McKinney, Jackie. Peripheral Visions for Writing Centers
- Lee, Sohui, and Russell Carpenter, eds. The Routledge Reader on Writing Centers & New Media
CWPA Postion Statement on Pre-College Credit for Writing
Kristine Hansen, Jeffrey Andelora, Heidi Estrem, Clint Gardner, Joe Janangelo, and Susan Miller-Cochran
View the entire issue of WPA 37.2 (Spring 2014) as one PDF file (3 MB).
WPA 37.1 (Fall 2013)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 37.1 (Fall 2013)
WPAs, Writing Programs and the Common Reading Experience
Brad Benz, Denise Comer, Erik Juergensmeyer, and Margaret Lowry
The Research Paper and Why We Should Still Care
Douglass Brent
When the Writing Requirements Went Away: An Institutional Case Study of Twenty Years of Decentralization/Abolition
Duncan Carter, Christie Toth, and Hildy Miller
Taking the Long View: Investigating the History of a Writing Program’s Teacher Evaluation System
Laura J. Davies
WPA as Tempered Radical: Lessons from Occupy Wall Street
Casie Fedukovich
Magic, Agency and Power: Mapping Embodied Leadership Roles
Tina S.Kazan and Catherine Gabor
Creating Accessible Spaces for ESL Students Online
Fernando Sánchez
A Queer Eye for the WPA
Harry Denny
Queering the Writing Program: Why Now? How? And Other Contentious Questions
Karen Kopelson
WPAs in Dialogue
Response to Andrea Scott
Faye Halpern
Review Essays
In the Internet Age, Who Needs Textbooks?
Richard Colby
- Moxley, Joseph, ed. Writing Commons: The Home for Writers Rhetoric and Composition WikiBook
Multimodality in Local and Disciplinary Praxes
Randall W. Monty
- Bowen, Tracey, and Carl Whithaus. Multimodal Literacies and Emerging Genres
- Miller, Suzanne M., and Mary B.McVee. Multimodal Composing in Classrooms: Learning and Teaching in the Digital World
- Rowsell, Jennifer.Working with Multimodality: Rethinking Literacy in a Digital Age
View the entire issue of WPA 37.1 (Fall 2013) as one PDF file (3.5 MB).
WPA 36.2 (Spring 2013)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 36.2 (Spring 2013)
"The Preceptor Problem: The Effect of 'Undisciplined Writing' on Disciplined Instructors"
Faye Halpern
"Students in the First-Year ESL Writing Program: Revisiting the Notion of 'Traditional' ESL'"
Elena Lawrick
"'We Don’t Need Any More Brochures': Rethinking Deliverables in Service-Learning Curricula"
Kendall Leon and Thomas Sura
"Using Systems Thinking to Transform Writing Programs"
Dan Melzer
"Students’ Rights and the Ethics of Celebration"
Mark Mullen
"Negotiating Expertise: A Pedagogical Framework for Cross-curricular Literacy Work"
Sandra L. Tarabochia
"Low Country Boil with Peanuts: Interview with Michael Pemberton and Janice Walker"
Shirley K Rose
"Review Essay: A Word for Peter"
Chris M. Anson
- Elbow, Peter. Vernacular Eloquence: What Speech Can Bring to Writing
Review Essay: "Feminist WPA Work: Beyond Oxymorons"
Laura R. Micciche and Donna Strickland
- Ratcliffe, Krista, and Rebecca Rickly, eds. Performing Feminism and Administration in Rhetoric and Composition Studies
- Elliot, Norbert and Les Perelman, eds. Writing Assessment in the 21st Century: Essays in Honor of Edward M. White.
- Massey, Lance and Richard C. Gebhardt, eds. The Changing of Knowledge in Composition: Contemporary Perspectives.
View the entire issue of WPA 36.2 (Spring 2013) as one PDF file (2.6 MB).
WPA 36.1 (Fall 2012)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 36.1 (Fall 2012)
"Recognizing Acts of Reading: Creating Reading Outcomes and Assessments for Writing"
Holly Middleton
"The Effects of Writing Pedagogy Education on Graduate Teaching Assistants’ Approaches to Teaching Composition"
E. Shelley Reid and Heidi Estrem, with Marcia Belcheir
"Thinking Ecologically: Rhetorical Ecological Feminist Agency and Writing Program Administration"
Kathleen J. Ryan
"The Problem of Graduate-Level Writing Support: Building a Cross-Campus Graduate Writing Initiative”
Steve Simpson
"The Companies We Keep or The Companies We Would Like to Try to Keep: Strategies and Tactics in Challenging Times”
Linda Adler-Kassner
"Let’s Face It: Language Issues and the Writing Program Administrator"
Paul Kei Matsuda
"Serving Those Who Have Served: Preparing for Student Veterans in our Writing Programs, Classes and Writing Centers”
Marilyn J. Valentino
"The Visual and Beyond: A Symposium on Rereading, Revising or Perhaps "Hacking the Source Code” of the CWPA Outcomes Statement”
"The Matters of Key Knowledge Domains and Transfer of Learning in the Outcomes Statement”
Anne Beaufort
"Genre Knowledge, Reading, and Faculty Development”
Barbara Little Liu
"Reading to Write and the Economy of Attention”
Deborah Mutnick
"Reading Matters: Thoughts on Revising the CWPA Outcomes Statement”
Cynthia R. Haller
"Engaging Queerness and Contact Zones, Reimagining Writing Difference”
Martha Marinara
"Queering Outcomes: Hacking the Source Code of the WPA Outcomes Statement for First-Year Composition”
William P. Banks
"The WPA Outcomes Statement—Ten Years Later”
Reviewed by Shane Borrowman
"Making Our Brains”
Anne Ruggles Gere
"'Taking Care of’ Writing”
David Schwalm
View the entire issue of WPA 36.1 (Fall 2012) as one PDF file (3.4 MB).
WPA 35.2 (Spring 2012)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 35.2 (Spring 2012)
Pausing in the Whirlwind: A Campus Place-Based Curriculum in a Multimodal Foundation Communication Course
Barbara J. Blakely and Susan B. Pagnac
Cultivating Sensibility in Writing Program Administration
Matthew Heard
Writing Placement That Supports Teaching and Learning
Emily Isaacs and Catherine Keohane
Just Comp
Don J. Kraemer
Professional Identity in a Contingent-Labor Profession: Expertise, Autonomy, Community in Composition Teaching
Ann M. Penrose
Uncommon Conversations: How Nearly Three Decades of Paying Attention Allows One WAC/WID Program to Thrive
Martha A. Townsend, Martha D. Patton, and Jo Ann Vogt
On the Crossroads and at the Heart: A Conversation with the 2012 WPA Summer Conference Local Host about the Place of the Writing Program at the University of New Mexico
Shirley K Rose and Chuck Paine
WPA Symposium Response
Composition, Commonplaces, and Who Cares?
Melissa Ianetta
Kitchen Cooks, Plate Twirlers, and Posers; or, the I's Have It
Rita Malenczyk
Response Essay
Different Paths to the Same Goal: A Response to Barbara Cambridge
Randall McClure and Dayna V. Goldstein
Review Essay
Enhancing Learning and Thinking in Higher Education
Sherry Rankins-Robertson, Tiffany Bourelle, and Duane Roen
- Adler-Kassner, Linda, and Peggy O'Neill. Reframing Writing Assessment to Improve Teaching and Learning. Logan: Utah State UP, 2010. 180 pages.
- Arum, Richard, and Josipa Roksa. Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2011. 259 pages.
- Hacker, Andrew, and Claudia Dreifus. Higher Education? How Colleges are Wasting Our Money and Failing Our Kids—And What We Can Do about It. New York: Times Books, 2010. 271 pages.
- Peckham, Irvin. Going North Thinking West: The Intersections of Social Class, Critical Thinking, and Politicized Writing Instruction. Logan: Utah State UP, 2011. 180 pages.
- Scott, Tony. Dangerous Writing: Understanding the Political Economy of Composition. Logan: Utah State UP, 2009. 216 pages.
View the entire issue of WPA 35.2 (Spring 2012) as one PDF file (2.6 MB).
WPA 35.1 (Fall/Winter 2011)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 35.1 (Fall/Winter 2011)
Credentialing College Writing Teachers: WPAs and Labor Reform
Steve Lamos
For Slow Agency
Laura R. Micciche
Improving the Placement of L2 Writers: The Students’ Perspective
Todd Ruecker
Writing Programs Without Administrators: Frameworks for Successful Writing Programs in the Two-Year College
Carolyn Calhoon-Dillahunt
Research and Policy: Antithetical or Complementary?
Barbara Cambridge
A Symposium on Mentoring the Work of WPAs
Reflections on Year One as an Almost-WPA
Joyce Olewski Inman
Snapshot of a Tenure Decision
Kathryn Johnson Gindlesparger
The Pleasures and Perils of Being First
Darci L. Thoune
Hit the Ground Listening: An Ethnographic Approach to New WPA Learning
Collie Fulford
Boss of Me: When the Former Adjunct Runs the Writing Shop
Tim McCormack
Response to Peter Elbow’s Review of What Is College-Level Writing? Volumes 1 and 2
Kelly Ritter
Response to Kelly Ritter
Peter Elbow
Review Essays
Ecology and Concepts of Technology
Sidney I. Dobrin
- Baron, Dennis. A Better Pencil: Readers, Writers, and the Digital Revolution. New York: Oxford UP, 2009. Print. 280 pages.
- Blair, Kristine, Radhika Gajjalaand, and Christine Tulley. Webbing Cyberfeminist Practice: Communities, Pedagogies, and Social Action. Cresskill: Hampton Press, 2008. Print. 401 pages.
- DeVoss, Dànielle Nicole, Heidi A. McKee, and Richard (Dickie) Selfe, eds. Technological Ecologies and Sustainability. Computers and Composition Digital Press. 2009. http://ccdigitalpress.org/tes/
- Selber, Stuart, ed. Rhetorics and Technologies: New Directions in Writing and Communication. Columbia: U of South Carolina P, 2010. Print. 232 pages.
Second Language Writers in College Composition Programs: Toward Awareness, Knowledge and Action
Tanita Saenkhum and Paul Kei Matsuda
- Ferris, Dana R. Teaching College Writing to Diverse Student Populations. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan P, 2009. 169 pages.
- Leki, Ilona. Undergraduates in a Second Language: Challenges and Complexities of Academic Literacy Development. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2007. 332 pages.
- Roberge, Mark, Meryl Siegal, and Linda Harklau. Generation 1.5 in College Composition: Teaching Academic Writing to U.S.-Educated Learners of ESL. New York: Routledge, 2009. 288 pages.
View the entire issue of WPA 35.1 (Fall/Winter 2011) as one PDF file (2.7 MB).
WPA 34.2 (Spring 2011)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 34.2 (Spring 2011)
Addressing Instructor Ambivalence about Peer Review and Self-Assessment
Pamela Bedore and Brian O’Sullivan
Troubling the Boundaries: (De)Constructing WPA Identities at the Intersections of Race and Gender
Collin Lamont Craig and Staci Maree Perryman-Clark
Lessons about Writing to Learn from a University-High School Partnership
Bradley Peters
Cohorts, Grading, and Ethos: Listening to TAs Enhances Teacher Preparation
Amy Rupiper Taggart and Margaret Lowry
WPAs Respond to “A Symposium on Fostering Teacher Quality”
Response to “A Symposium on Fostering Teacher Quality”
Sue Doe
Fostering Teacher Quality through Cultures of Professionalism
Claire Coleman Lamonica
Response to “A Symposium on Fostering Teacher Quality”
Mike Palmquist
Crabgrass and Gumbo: Interviews with 2011 WPA Conference Local Hosts about the Place of Writing Programs at their Home Institutions
Shirley K Rose, Irwin Peckham, and James C. McDonald
Review Essays
What Is Real College Writing? Let the Disagreement Never End
Peter Elbow
- Sullivan, Patrick, and Howard Tinberg. What Is “College-Level” Writing?
- Sullivan, Patrick, Howard Tinberg, and Sheridan Blau. What Is “College-Level” Writing? Volume 2: Assignments, Readings, and Student Writing Samples.
Reinventing Writing Assessment: How the Conversation Is Shifting
William Condon
- Adler-Kassner, Linda, and Peggy O’Neill. Reframing Writing Assessment to Improve Teaching and Learning.
- Broad, Bob, Linda Adler-Kassner, Barry Alford, Jane Detweiler, Heide Estrem, Susanmarie Harrington, Maureen McBride, Eric Stalions, and Scott
- Weeden. Organic Writing Assessment: Dynamic Criteria Mapping in Action.
- Elliott, Norbert. On a Scale: A Social History of Writing Assessment in America.
- Ericsson, Patricia Freitag, and Richard Haswell. Machine Scoring of Student Essays: Truth and Consequences.
- Huot, Brian and Peggy O’Neill, eds. Assessing Writing: A Critical Sourcebook.
- Huot, Brian. (Re)Articulating Writing Assessment for Teaching and Learning.
- Lynne, Patricia. Coming To Terms: A Theory of Writing Assessment.
- Neal, Michael R. Writing Assessment and the Revolution in Digital Texts and Technologies.
- O’Neill, Peggy, Cindy Moore, and Brian Huot. A Guide to College Writing Assessment.
- Paretti, Marie C. and Katrina M. Powell, eds. Assessment of Writing.
- Weigle, Sara Cushing. Assessing Writing.
- Wilson, Maja. Rethinking Rubrics in Writing Assessment.
- Wolcott, Willa, with Sue M. Legg. An Overview of Writing Assessment: Theory, Research, and Practice.
View the entire issue of WPA 34.2 (Spring 2011) as one PDF file (3.3 MB).
WPA 34.1 (Fall/Winter 2010)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 34.1 (Fall/Winter 2010)
Assess Locally, Validate Globally: Heuristics for Validating Local Writing Assessments
Chris W. Gallagher
Toward Rhetorical Source Use: Three Student Journeys
Cynthia R. Haller
Undaunted, Self-Critical, and Resentful: Investigating Faculty Attitudes Toward Teaching Writing in a Large University Writing-Intensive Course Program
Lori Salem and Peter Jones
Introducing “The CWPA Mentoring Project” and Survey Report
Sheldon Walcher, Joseph Janangelo, and Duane Roen
Notes on Comp: When “WPA” Work Hints at Suspicion
Joseph Janangelo
Response to Keith Rhodes’s “You Are What You Sell: Branding the Way to Composition’s Better Future”
Linda Adler-Kassner
An Agreeable Response to Linda Adler-Kassner
Keith Rhodes
A Symposium on Fostering Teacher Quality
Larry Beason, “Fostering Quality through Sense of Place”
Beth Brunk-Chavez, “Embracing Our Expertise through Faculty and Instructional Development”
Diana Ashe, “Fostering Cultures of Great Teaching”
Clyde Moneyhun, “Performance Evaluation as Faculty Development”
Review Essays
The Promises and Perils of Writing Partnerships
Lorelei Blackburn and Ellen Cushman
- Goldblatt, Eli. Because We Live Here: Sponsoring Literacy beyond the College Curriculum
- Grabill, Jeffrey T. Writing Community Change: Designing Technologies for Citizen Action
- Long, Elenore. Community Literacy and the Rhetoric of Local Publics
- Mathieu, Paula. Tactics of Hope: The Public Turn in English Composition
- Parks, Stephen. Gravyland: Writing beyond the Curriculum in the City of Brotherly Love
As Writing Professionalizes, Asking What, How, and Why
Douglas Hesse
- Giberson, Gregory A. and Thomas A. Moriarty, eds. What We Are Becoming: Developments in Undergraduate Writing Majors.
- McGurl, Mark. The Program Era: Postwar Fiction and the Rise of Creative Writing.
- Menand, Louis. The Marketplace of Ideas: Reform and Resistance in the American University.
- Scott, Tony. Dangerous Writing: Understanding the Political Economy of Composition.
- Strickland, Donna, and Jeanne Gunner, eds. The Writing Program Interrupted: Making Space for Critical Discourse.
- Vilardi, Teresa and Mary Chang, eds. Writing-Based Teaching: Essential Practices and Enduring Questions.
Conflicted Brokers: The Local, Historical, and Political of Basic Writing
Kelly Ritter
- Carter, Shannon. The Way Literacy Lives: Rhetorical Dexterity in Basic Writing Instruction.
- Mlynarczyk, Rebecca and George Otte. Basic Writing.
- Stanley, Jane. The Rhetoric of Remediation: Negotiating Entitlement and Access in Higher Education. Pittsburgh: U of Pittsburgh P, 2009.
View the entire issue of WPA 34.1 (Fall 2010) as one PDF file (2.9 MB).
WPA 33.3 (Spring 2010)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 33.3 (Spring 2010)
On Custom: Revisiting the Relationship between Publishers and WPAs
Barclay Barrios
First Steps Beyond First Year: Coaching Transfer After FYC
Dan Fraizer
You Are What You Sell: Branding the Way to Composition's Better Future
Keith Rhodes
Hieroglyphic World: A Review of Five Background Readers for Novice Writing Teachers
Richard Haswell
The Scholarship of Plagiarism: Where We've Been, Where We Are, What's Needed Next
Rebecca Moore Howard and Missy Watson
WPAs Respond to "A Symposium on Diversity and the Intellectual Work of WPAs"
- Who Are We? What Do We Want to Become? A Response to Jonathan Alexander
Jacqueline Rhodes - (Un)Standard Deviations: Observing Diversity / Enabling Divergence
Mark McBeth - Engaging with Assessment Technologies: Responding to Valuing Diversity as a WPA
Asao B. Inoue - The Woman Question in WPA Work
Melissa Nicolas
View the entire issue of WPA 33.3 (Spring 2010) as one PDF file (4.1 MB).
WPA 33.1-2 (Fall/Winter 2009)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 33.1.2 (Fall/Winter 2009)
“Exploring Options for Students at the Boundaries of the “At-Risk” Designation”
Stuart Blythe, Rachelle Darabi, Barbara Simon Kirkwood, and William Baden
“What Do WPAs Need to Know about Writing Assessment? An Immodest Proposal”
Chris W. Gallagher
"Pedagogical Memory: Writing, Mapping, Translating”
Susan C. Jarratt, Katherine Mack, Alexandra Sartor, and Shevaun E. Watson
"Reformist Possibilities? Exploring Writing Program Cross-Campus Partnerships"
Marie Paretti, Lisa McNair, Kelly Belanger, and Diana George
“Twenty More Years in the WPA’s Progress”
Jonikka Charlton and Shirley K Rose
Before Shaughnessy: Basic Writing at Yale and Harvard, 1920–1960 by Kelly Ritter
Gregory R. Glau
“Power, Fear, and the Life of the Junior WPA: Directions for New Conversations" Untenured Faculty as Writing Program Administrators: Institutional Practices and Politics edited by Debra Frank Dew and Alice Horning | The Promise and Perils of Writing Program Administration edited by Theresa Enos and Shane Borrowman |
Susan Meyers
“A Symposium on Diversity and the Intellectual Work of WPAs”
“Literacy and Diversity: A Provocation”
Jonathan Alexander
“Embracing Linguistic Diversity in the Intellectual Work of WPAs"
Paul Kei Matsuda
View the entire issue of WPA 33.1-2 (Fall/Winter 2009) as one PDF file (1.82 MB).
WPA 32.3 (Spring 2009)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 32.3 (Spring 2009)
Consortia as Sites of Inquiry: Steps Toward a National Portrait of Writing Program Administration
Jill Gladstein, Lisa Lebduska, and Dara Rossman Regaignon
Fellowship for the Ring: A Defense of Critical Administration in the Corporate University
Kelly Kinney
Examining the Presence of Advocacy and Commercial Websites in Research Essays of First-Year Composition Students
Randall McClure
Praxis and Allies: The WPA Board Game
Tom Sura, Jaclyn M. Wells, Megan Schoen, Cristyn Elder, and Dana Lynn Driscoll
Composing in a Digital World: The Transition of a Writing Program and Its Faculty
Pamela Takayoshi and Brian Huot
Writing Program Administration at the Two-Year College: Ghosts in the Machine
Tim Taylor
Greene, Nicole Pepinster, and Patricia J. McAlexander, eds. Basic Writing in America: The History of Nine College Programs
Susan Naomi Bernstein
Adler-Kassner, Linda. The Activist WPA: Changing Stories about Writing and Writers
Doug Downs
Of Queen Bees and Queendoms: Fairy Tales, Resilience, and Women’s Ways of Making It in Rhetoric and Composition, Ballif, Michelle, Diane Davis, and Roxanne Mountford. Women’s Ways of Making It in Rhetoric and Composition
Kelly Kinney
View the entire issue of WPA 32.3 (Spring 2009) as one PDF file (1.37 MB).
WPA 32.1-2 (Fall/Winter 2008)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 32.1-2 (Fall/Winter 2008)
The Intelligent Design of Writing Programs: Reliance on Belief or a Future of Evidence, Chris Anson
Remediating Writing Program Administration, Carrie Leverenz
Self-Placement at a Distance: Challenge and Opportunities, Ed Jones
Predicting Success: Increasing Retention and Pass Rates in College Composition, Beth Brunk-Chavez and Elaine Fredericksen
From Incomes to Outcomes: FYW Students’ Prior Genre Knowledge, Meta-Cognition, and the Question of Transfer, Angela Rounsaville, Rachel Goldberg, and Anis Bawarshi
What WPAs Need to Know to Prepare New Teachers to Work with Adult Students, Michelle Navarre Cleary
Testing In and Testing Out, Edward M. White
Dara Rossman Regaignon reviews Women and Literacy: Local and Global Inquiries for a New Century by Beth Daniell and Peter Mortensen
Kathleen J. Ryan reviews Girls, Feminism, and Grassroots Literacies: Activism in the GirlZone by Mary P. Sheridan-Rabideau
William DeGenaro reviews Rural Literacies by Kim Donehower, Charlotte Hogg, and Eileen E. Schell.
Ads and Back Cover
View the entire issue of WPA 32.1-2 (Fall/Winter 2008) as one PDF file (1.4 MB).
WPA 31.3 (Spring 2008)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 31.3 (Spring 2008)
Letter from the Managing Editors
Letter from the Editors of the Special Issue
Lest We Go the Way of Vocational Training: Developing Undergraduate Writing Programs in the Humanist Tradition, Catherine Chaput
The Persistence of Institutional Memory: Genre Uptake and Program Reform, Dylan B. Dryer
Service vs. Subject Matter: Merging First-Year Composition and First-Year Experience, Kimberly A. Costino
Competing Interpretations of ‘Textual Objects’ in an Activity System: A Study of the Requirements Document in the ___ Writing Program, John Oddo and Jamie Parmelee
The Prospects for Rhetoric in a First-Year Composition Program: Deliberative Discourse as a Vehicle for Change?, M. J. Braun
Thomas Deans, Mandy Suhr-Sytsma, and Alisande Pipkin review College Writing and Beyond: A New Framework for University Writing Instruction by Anne Beaufort
Brad E. Lucas reviews Local Histories: Reading the Archives of Composition edited by Patricia Donahue and Gretchen Flesher Moon
Duane Roen reviews Engaged Writers and Dynamic Disciplines: Research on the Academic Writing Life by Chris Thaiss and Terry Myers Zawacki
Bruce Horner reviews Teaching Writing with Latino/a Students: Lessons Learned at Hispanic-Serving Institutions edited by Cristina Kirklighter, Diana Cárdenas, and Susan Wolff Murphy
View the entire issue of WPA 31.3 (Spring 2008) as one PDF file (3.2 MB).
WPA 31.1-2 (Fall/Winter 2007)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 31.1-2 (Fall/Winter 2007)
The Definitive Article on Class Size, Alice Horning
Reading Practices in the Writing Classroom, Linda Adler-Kassner and Heidi Estrem
Memoranda of Fragile Machinery: A Portrait of Shaughnessy as Intellectual-Bureaucrat, Mark McBeth
Understanding ‘Transfer’ from FYC: Preliminary Results of a Longitudinal Study, Elizabeth Wardle
Insiders and Outsiders: Redrawing the Boundaries of the Writing Program, Cary Moskovitz and Michael Petit
Taking Stock: Surveying the Relationship of the Writing Center and TA Training, Melissa Ianetta, Michael McCamley, and Catherine Quick
Disciplinarity and Transfer: Students’ Perceptions of Learning to Write, Linda S. Bergmann and Janet S. Zepernick
Invisible Administrators: The Possibilities and Perils of Graduate Student Administration, Anthony Edgington and Stacy Hartlage Taylor
Split at the Root: The Vulnerable Writing Program Administrator, Donna Qualley and Elizabeth Chiseri-Strater
What in God’s Name? Administering the Conflicts of Religious Belief in Writing Programs, Elizabeth Vander Lei and Lauren Fitzgerald
Mainstreaming Diversity Writing, Philip P. Marzluf
Perceived Roadblocks to Transferring Knowledge from First-Year Composition to Writing-Intensive Major Courses: A Pilot Study, Gerald Nelms and Ronda Leathers Dively
Review Essay
Anxieties of Influencers: Composition Pedagogy in the 21st Century, E. Shelley Reid
- Changing the Way We Teach: Writing and Resistance in the Training of Teaching Assistants, by Sally Barr Ebest
- Don’t Call It That: The Composition Practicum, edited by Sidney I. Dobrin
- Relations, Locations, Positions: Composition Theory for Writing Teachers, edited by Peter Vandenberg, Sue Hum, and Jennifer Clary-Lemon
Melissa Ianetta
The Everyday Writing Center: A Community of Practice, by Anne Ellen Geller, Michele Eodice, Frankie Condon, Meg Carroll, and Elizabeth H. Boquet
View the entire issue of WPA 31.1-2 (Fall/Winter 2007) as one PDF file (2.7 MB).
WPA 30.3 (Spring 2007)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 30.3 (Spring 2007)
What’s Theorizing Got to Do With It? Teaching Theory as Resourceful Conflict and Reflection in TA Preparation
Michael Stancliff and Maureen Daly Goggin
Becoming the Learner: Collaborative Inquiry, Reflection, and Writing- Program Assessment
Erik Juergensmeyer and Karen P. Peirce
Writing Outreach as Community Engagement
Nicole Amare and Teresa Grettano
Standardizing a First-year Writing Program: Contested Sites of Influence
Sheila Carter-Tod
Cooltown—The Place of Intellectual Work
Jeff Rice
The Burkean Jam: Rhet/Comp, Revision and Blues, and the Universal Chorus
Marvin Diogenes
Beyond Outcomes: Assessment and Instruction within a Writing Program
Russel K. Durst
The Writing Center Director’s Resource Book
Eliana Schonberg
Discord and Direction: The Postmodern Writing Program Administrator
Rita Malenczyk
Coming to Terms: Theorizing Writing Assessment in Composition Studies
Deb Martin
Backmatter (Contributors, Announcements, Ad)
View the entire issue of WPA 30.3 (Spring 2007) as one PDF file (3.9 MB).
WPA 30.1-2 (Fall 2006)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 30.1-2 (Fall 2006)
Glau, Greg, Barry Maid, and Duane Roen. "Letter from the Managing Editors." WPA: Writing Program Administration 30.1-2 (Fall 2006): 9-10
Matsuda, Paul Kei, Maria Fruit, Tamara Lee, and Burton Lamm. "Letter from Guest Editors: Second Language Writers and Writing Program Administrators." WPA: Writing Program Administration 30.1-2 (Fall 2006): 11-14.
Friedrich, Patricia. "Assessing the Needs of Linguistically Diverse First-Year Students: Bringing Together and Telling Apart International ESL, Resident ESL and Monolingual Basic Writers." WPA: Writing Program Administration 30.1-2 (Fall 2006): 15-35.
Preto-Bay, Ana Maria, and Kristine Hansen. "Preparing for the Tipping Point: Designing Writing Programs to Meet the Needs of the Changing Population." WPA: Writing Program Administration 30.1-2 (Fall 2006): 37-57.
Shuck, Gail. "Combating Monolingualism: A Novice Administrator’s Challenge." WPA: Writing Program Administration 30.1-2 (Fall 2006): 59-82.
Phillips, Talinn, Candace Stewart, and Robert D. Stewart. "Geography Lessons, Bridge-Building, and Second Language Writers." WPA: Writing Program Administration 30.1-2 (Fall 2006): 83-100.
Mangelsdorf, Kate. "Review of Controversies in Second Language Writing: Dilemmas and Decisions in Research and Instruction." WPA: Writing Program Administration 30.1-2 (Fall 2006): 101-5.
Kapper, Jessie Moore. "Review of Exploring the Dynamics of Second Language Writing." WPA: Writing Program Administration 30.1-2 (Fall 2006): 107-10
Ortmeier-Hooper, Christina. "Review of Teaching ESL Composition: Purpose, Process, and Practice." WPA: Writing Program Administration 30.1-2 (Fall 2006): 111-14.
Tardy, Christine. "Review of Second Language Writing Research: Perspectives on the Process of Knowledge Construction." WPA: Writing Program Administration 30.1-2 (Fall 2006): 115-19.
Thonus, Terese. "Review of ESL Writers: A Guide for Writing Center Tutors." WPA: Writing Program Administration 30.1-2 (Fall 2006): 121-25.
Backmatter (Contributors and Announcements)
View the entire issue of WPA 30.1-2 (Fall 2006) as one PDF file (4.48 MB).
WPA 29.3 (Spring 2006)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 29.3 (Spring 2006)
Glau, Greg, Barry Maid, and Duane Roen. "Letter from the Managing Editors." WPA: Writing Program Administration 29.3 (Spring 2006): 8-9.
Butler, Paul. "Composition as Countermonument: Toward a New Space in Writing Classrooms and Curricula." WPA: Writing Program Administration 29.3 (Spring 2006): 11-25.
Brady, Laura. "A Greenhouse for Writing Program Change." WPA: Writing Program Administration 29.3 (Spring 2006): 27-43
Ritter, Kelly. "Extra-Institutional Agency and the Public Value of the WPA." WPA: Writing Program Administration 29.3 (Spring 2006): 45-64.
Peckham, Irvin. "Turning Placement into Practice." WPA: Writing Program Administration 29.3 (Spring 2006): 65-83.
Endres, William. "Communicative Strategies for Administrative Practices: Evaluating Weblogs, Their Benefits and Uses." WPA: Writing Program Administration 29.3 (Spring 2006): 85-106.
McLeod, Susan H. "Review of A Field of Dreams: Independent Writing Programs and the Future of Composition Studies." WPA: Writing Program Administration 29.3 (Spring 2006): 107-10.
White, Edward M. "Review of The Outcomes Book: Debate and Consensus after the WPA Outcomes Statement." WPA: Writing Program Administration 29.3 (Spring 2006): 111-13.
Wiley, Mark. "Review of Preparing to Teach Writing: Research, Theory, and Practice." WPA: Writing Program Administration 29.3 (Spring 2006): 115-19.
Backmatter (Contributors and Announcements)
View the entire issue of WPA 29.3 (Spring 2006) as one PDF file (2.44 MB).
WPA 29.1-2 (Fall 2005)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 29.1-2 (Fall 2005)
Glau, Greg, Barry Maid, and Duane Roen. “Letter from the Managing Editors.” WPA: Writing Program Administration 29.1-2 (2005): 8-9.
Lovitt, Carl R. "Literature Requirements in the Curricula of Writing Degrees and Concentrations: Examining a Shifting Institutional Relationship." WPA: Writing Program Administration 29.1-2 (2005): 11-29.
Baker, Anthony, Karen Bishop, Suellynn Duffey, Jeanne Gunner, Rich Miller, and Shelley Reid. "The Progress of Generations." WPA: Writing Program Administration 29.1-2 (2005): 31-57.
Eng, Joseph. "Beyond Quality Control: Writing Assessment and Adjunct Accountability at a Small Public University." WPA: Writing Program Administration 29.1-2 (2005): 59-79.
Lerner, Neal. "Internal Outsourcing of Academic Support: The Lessons of Supervised Study." WPA: Writing Program Administration 29.1-2 (2005): 81-95.
Hebb, Judith. "Reenvisioning WPAs in Small Colleges as “Writing People Advocates.'" WPA: Writing Program Administration 29.1-2 (2005): 97-113.
Lisa Cahill, Lisa. "Review of The Writing Program Administrator’s Resource: A Guide to Reflective Institutional Practice." WPA: Writing Program Administration 29.1-2 (2005): 111-13.
Beason, Larry. "Review of What We Really Value: Beyond Rubrics in Teaching and Assessing Writing." WPA: Writing Program Administration 29.1-2 (2005): 115-18.
Backmatter (Contributors and Announcements)
View the entire issue of WPA 29.1-2 (Fall 2005) as one PDF file (3.27 MB).
WPA 28.3 (Spring 2005)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 28.3 (Spring 2005)
Harrington, Susanmaire. "Learning to Ride the Waves: Making Decisions about Placement Testing." WPA: Writing Program Administration 28.3 (Spring 2005): 9-29.
Dufflemeyer, Barb Blakely. " Not Just Showing Up to Class: New TAs, Critical Composition Pedagogy, and Multiliteracies." WPA: Writing Program Administration 28.3 (Spring 2005): 31-56.
Martin, Amy. "Plagiarism and Collaboration: Suggestions for 'Defining and Avoiding Plagiarism: The WPA Statement on Best Practices.'" WPA: Writing Program Administration 28.3 (Spring 2005): 57-72.
Rose, Jeanne Marie." Coming of Age as a WPA: From Personal and to Personnel." WPA: Writing Program Administration 28.3 (Spring 2005): 73-88.
Graban, Tarez Samra, and Kathleen J. Ryan. "From 'What Is' to "What is Possible': Theorizing Curricular Document Revision as In(ter)vention and Reform." WPA: Writing Program Administration 28.3 (Spring 2005): 89-112.
Borrowman, Shane. " Review of (Re)Articulating Writing Assessment for Teaching and Learning." WPA: Writing Program Administration 28.3 (Spring 2005): 113-16.
WPA 28.1-2 (Fall 2004)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 28.1-2 (Fall 2004)
Glau, Greg, Barry Maid, and Duane Roen. "Letter from the Managing Editors." WPA: Writing Program Administration 28.1-2 (2004): 8.
Gresham, Morgan; Kathleen Blake Yancey. "New Studio Composition: New Sites for Writing, New Forms of Composition, New Cultures of Learning." WPA: Writing Program Administration 28.1-2 (2004): 9-28.
Hansen, Kristine, Jennifer Gonzalez, Suzanne Reeve, Patricia Esplin, Richard Sudweeks, William S. Bradshaw, and Gary L. Hatch. "An Argument for Changing Institutional Policy on Granting AP Credit in English: An Empirical Study of College Sophomores? Writing." WPA: Writing Program Administration 28.1-2 (2004): 29-54.
Bedore, Pamela, and Deborah F. Rossen-Knill. "Informed Self-Placement: Is a Choice Offered a Choice Received?." WPA: Writing Program Administration 28.1-2 (2004): 55-78.
Brady, Laura. "A Case for Writing Program Evaluation." WPA: Writing Program Administration 28.1-2 (2004): 79-94.
Spigelman, Candace. "Politics, Rhetoric, and Service-Learning." WPA: Writing Program Administration 28.1-2 (2004): 95-113.
Bowden, Darsie. "Small Group Instructional Diagnosis: A Method for Enhancing Writing Instruction." WPA: Writing Program Administration 28.1-2 (2004): 115-135.
Gorelick, Risa P. "Review of Noise from the Writing Center." WPA: Writing Program Administration 28.1-2 (2004): 137-140.
View the entire issue of WPA 28.1-2 (Fall 2004) as one PDF file (1.2 MB).
WPA 27.3 (Spring 2004)
Contents of Writing Program Administration 27.3 (Spring 2004)
Lynch, Dennis, and David Blakesley. "Letter from the Editors." WPA: Writing Program Administration 27.3 (2004): 6.
Schneider, Barbara, and Richard Marback. "Judging WPAs by What They Say They Do: An Argument for Revising “Evaluating the Intellectual Work of Writing Administration." WPA: Writing Program Administration 27.3 (2004): 7-22.
Malenczyk, Rita. "Doin' the Managerial Exclusion: What WPAs Might Need to Know about Collective Bargaining." WPA: Writing Program Administration 27.3 (2004): 23-33.
Stephens, Patricia A. "A Move toward “Academic Citizenship”: Reading Emotion in the Narrative Structures of Part-Time Faculty." WPA: Writing Program Administration 27.3 (2004): 35-51.
Emerson, Lisa. "The WAC Matrix: Institutional Requirements for Nurturing a Team-Based WAC Program." WPA: Writing Program Administration 27.3 (2004): 53-68.
Jurecic, Ann. "Writing Beyond the Headline: Building a Writing Program at Princeton." WPA: Writing Program Administration 27.3 (2004): 69-81.
Ianetta, Melissa, and Dana Oswald. Rev. of The Center Will Hold: Critical Perspectives in Writing Center Scholarship by Michael A. Pemberton and Joyce Kinkead. WPA: Writing Program Administration 27.3 (2004): 83-85.
View the entire issue of WPA 27.3 (Spring 2004) as one PDF file (1.1 MB).
WPA 27.1-2 (Fall/Winter 2003)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 27.1-2 (Fall/Winter 2003)
Lynch, Dennis. "Letter from the Editors." WPA: Writing Program Administration 27.1-2 (2003): 6-8.
Howard, Rebecca Moore. "WPAs and/versus Administrators: Using Multimedia Rhetoric to Promote Shared Premises for Writing Instruction." WPA: Writing Program Administration 27.1-2 (2003): 9-22.
Latterell, Catherine. "Defining Roles for Graduate Students in Writing Program Administration: Balancing Pragmatic Needs with a Postmodern Ethics of Action." WPA: Writing Program Administration 27.1-2 (2003): 23-39.
Juzwik, Mary. "Handling Curricular Resources: An Examination of Two Teachers? Tactical Appropriation of First-Year Composition Curricula." WPA: Writing Program Administration 27.1-2 (2003): 40-58.
Grutsch McKinney, Jackie, and Elizabeth Chiseri-Strater. "Inventing a Teacherly Self: Positioning Journals in the TA Seminar." WPA: Writing Program Administration 27.1-2 (2003): 59-74.
Patton, Martha D. "Research or Faculty Development? A Study of WI Faculty Commenting Practices." WPA: Writing Program Administration 27.1-2 (2003): 75-91.
Hennessy, Michael. "'School Is Short and Life Is Long': Advice for TAs." Review of The Allyn and Bacon Teaching Assistant's Handbook: A Guide for Graduate Instructors of Writing and Literature" by Stephen W. Wilhoit. WPA: Writing Program Administration 27.1-2 (2003): 92-94.
View the entire issue of WPA 27.1-2 (Fall/Winter 2003) as one PDF file (1.3 MB).
WPA 26.3 (Spring 2003)
Contents of Writing Program Administration 26.3 (Spring 2003)
Farris, Christine. "Introduction: Changing the First-Year Writing Curriculum." WPA: Writing Program Administration 26.3 (2003): 7-9.
Reid, E. Shelley. "A Changing for the Better: Curriculum Revision as Reflective Practice in Teaching and Administration." WPA: Writing Program Administration 26.3 (2003): 10-27.
Royer, Diana, Moira Amado Miller, Meredith A. Love, Jennie Dautermann, Mary Jean Corbett, Rhoda Cairns, and Parag K. Budhecha. "Revisiting College Composition within a Local 'Culture of Writing'." WPA: Writing Program Administration 26.3 (2003): 28-48.
Himley, Margaret. "Writing Programs and Pedagogies in a Globalized Landscape." WPA: Writing Program Administration 26.3 (2003): 49-66.
Rodgers Comfort, Juanita, Karen Fitts, William B. Lalicker, Chris Teutsch, and Victoria Tischio. "Beyond First-Year Composition: Not Your Grandmother’s General Education Composition Program." WPA: Writing Program Administration 26.3 (2003): 67-86.
Dew, Debra Frank. "Language Matters: Rhetoric and Writing I as Content Course." WPA: Writing Program Administration 26.3 (2003): 87-104.
Moon, Gretchen Flesher. "First-Year Writing in First-Year Seminars: Writing across the Curriculum from the Start." WPA: Writing Program Administration 26.3 (2003): 105-118.
Adler-Kassner, Linda, and Heidi Estrem. "Rethinking Research Writing: Public Literacy in the Composition Classroom." WPA: Writing Program Administration 26.3 (2003): 119-132.
Brady, Laura. "Distance Education and the First-Year Writing Curriculum." WPA: Writing Program Administration 26.3 (2003): 132-148.
Lynch, Dennis A., and Anne Frances Wysocki. "From First-Year Composition to Second-Year Multiliteracies: Integrating Instruction in Oral, Written, and Visual Communication at a Technological University." WPA: Writing Program Administration 26.3 (2003): 149-171.
Duffey, Suellynn. "Remembering a Past--Revising the Present. Review of Visions and Revisions ed. James D. Williams." WPA: Writing Program Administration 26.3 (2003): 171-172.
Pauliny, Tara. "New Directions/Critical Reflections: The Past, Present, and Future of Writing Center Research. Review of Writing Center Research by Paula Gillespie, et al." WPA: Writing Program Administration 26.3 (2003): 173-174.
View the entire issue of WPA 26.3 (Spring 2003) as one PDF file (1.59 MB).
WPA 26.1-2 (Fall/Winter 2002)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 26.1-2 (Fall/Winter 2002)
Helmer, Marguerite, Dennis Lynch, and David Blakesley. "Letter from the Editors." WPA: Writing Program Administration 24.3 (2001): 8-9.
O’Neill, Peggy; Ellen Schendel; Brian Huot. "Defining Assessment as Research: Moving from Obligations to Opportunities." WPA: Writing Program Administration 26.1-2 (2002): 10-26.
Ebest, Sally Barr. "When Graduate Students Resist." WPA: Writing Program Administration 26.1-2 (2002): 27-43.
Blattner, Nancy; Jane Frick. "Seizing the Initiative: The Missouri Model for Dual-Credit Composition Courses." WPA: Writing Program Administration 26.1-2 (2002): 44-56.
Bloom, Lynn Z. "Are We Having Fun Yet? Necessity, Creativity, and Writing Program Administration." WPA: Writing Program Administration 26.1-2 (2002): 57-70.
White, Edward M. "Dangerous Reading: The Unabomber as College Freshman." WPA: Writing Program Administration 26.1-2 (2002): 71-73.
Kimme Hea, Amy C. "Problematics, Risks, and Interrogations: Retheorizing Personal Writing." Review of Personal Effects by Deborah Holdstein and David Bleich." WPA: Writing Program Administration 26.1-2 (2002): 74-76.
Gorrell, Donna. "Help for Professionals." Review of The Work of Writing by Elizabeth Rankin." WPA: Writing Program Administration 26.1-2 (2002): 77-79.
Hennessy, Michael. "Two Handbooks for a Maturing Profession." Review of The Allyn and Bacon Sourcebook for Writing Program Administrators. edited by Irene Ward and William J. Carpenter and Preparing College Teachers of Writing: Histories, Theories, Programs, Practices edited by Betty Pytlik and Sarah Liggett. WPA: Writing Program Administration 26.1-2 (2002): 80-85.
Pennell, Michael. "Portrait of a Writing Program." Review of Writing and Revising the Disciplines by Jonathan Monroe." WPA: Writing Program Administration 26.1-2 (2002): 86-88.
Kerschbaum, Stephanie. "Situating the Public and Personal in Student Writing." Review of Public Works: Student Writing as Public Text edited by Emily J. Isaacs and Phoebe Jackson and I-Writing: The Politics and Practice of Teaching First-Person Writing by Karen Surman Paley. WPA: Writing Program Administration 26.1-2 (2002): 89-93.
View the entire issue of WPA 26.1-2 (Fall/Winter 2002) as one PDF file (3.43 MB).
WPA 25.3 (Spring 2002)
A Letter from the Editors
Marguerite Helmers, Dennis Lynch, and David Blakesley
Blakesley, David. "Directed Self-Placement in the University." WPA: Writing Program Administration 25.3 (2002): 9-39.
Nicolay, Theresa Freda. "Placement and Instruction in Context: Situating Writing Within a First-Year Program." WPA: Writing Program Administration 25.3 (2002): 41-59.
Grabill, Jeffrey T.; Lynée Lewis Gaillet. "Writing Program Design in the Metropolitan University: Toward Constructing Community Partnerships." WPA: Writing Program Administration 25.3 (2002): 61-78.
Mirtz, Ruth; Keith Rhodes, Susan Taylor,and Kim van Alkemade. "The Power of "De-positioning": Narrative Strategies in Stories of Stopping." WPA: Writing Program Administration 25.3 (2002): 79-96.
Stevens, Scott. "Review Essay. Starting over with Basic Writing." WPA: Writing Program Administration 25.3 (2002): 97-104.
WPA 25.1-2 (Fall/Winter 2001)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 25.1-2 (Fall/Winter 2001)
Boehm, Diane; Eric Gardner; Deborah Huntley; Andrew Swihart; Gary M. Lange. "Teachers in the (Writing) Center." WPA: Writing Program Administration 25.1-2 (2001): 9-23.
Hocks, Mary E. "Using Multimedia to Teach Communication Across the Curriculum." WPA: Writing Program Administration 25.1-2 (2001): 24-43.
Raymond, Richard C. "Shaping Consensus from Difference: Administering Writing Programs in Departments of Writing and English." WPA: Writing Program Administration 25.1-2 (2001): 45-58.
Williams, Jessica; Jacqueline Evans. "How Useful are Handbooks for Second Language Writers." WPA: Writing Program Administration 25.1-2 (2001): 59-76.
Scholl, Carlann Fox. "Review. Worlds Apart: Acting and Writing in Academic and Workplace Contexts by Patrick Dias et al." WPA: Writing Program Administration 25.1-2 (2001): 77-80.
Backmatter (Contributors, Announcements)
View the entire issue of WPA 25.1-2 (Fall/Winter 2001) as one PDF file (1.9 MB).
WPA 24.3 (Spring 2001)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 24.3 (Spring 2001)
Helmer, Marguerite, Dennis Lynch, and David Blakesley. "Letter from the Editors: On Economy." WPA: Writing Program Administration 24.3 (2001): 7-9.
Malenczyk, Rita. "Fighting Across the Curriculum: The WPA Joins the AAUP." WPA: Writing Program Administration 24.3 (2001): 11-24.
Miller, Richard E. "From Intellectual Wasteland to Resource-Rich Colony: Capitalizing on the Role of Writing Instruction in Higher Education." WPA: Writing Program Administration 24.3 (2001): 25-40.
Miller, Thomas P. "Why Don’t Our Graduate Programs Do a Better Job of Preparing Students for the Work That We Do?." WPA: Writing Program Administration 24.3 (2001): 41-58.
Balester, Valerie, and James C. McDonald. "A View of Status and Working Conditions: Relations Between Writing Program and Writing Center Directors." WPA: Writing Program Administration 24.3 (2001): 59-82.
Schuster, Charles. "Confessions of an Associate Dean." WPA: Writing Program Administration 24.3 (2001): 83-99.
Gillam, Alice. "From Advanced Composition Courses to Advanced Writing Curriculum: The Difference between Lightning Bugs and Lightning." Review of Coming of Age: The Advanced Writing Curriculum by Linda K. Shamoon et al. WPA: Writing Program Administration 24.3 (2001): 99-102.
Schlacks, Deborah Davis. "What's Personal." Review of Writing and Healing: Toward an Informed Practice by Charles M. Anderson, et al.; and Persons in Process: Four Stories of Writing and Personal Development by Anne J. Herringtton et al." WPA: Writing Program Administration 24.3 (2001): 103-108.
Backmatter (Ads, Announcements, Contributors)
View the entire issue of WPA 24.3 (Spring 2001) as one PDF file (4 MB).
WPA 24.1-2 (Fall/Winter 2000)
A Letter from the Editors
Marguerite Helmers and Dennis Lynch
Rhetorical Agency: Seeing the Ethics of It All
Carmer Werder
Constructing Composition: Reproduction and WPA Agency in Textbook Publishing
Libby Miles
More Than Meets the Eye: Teaching Portfolios as Sites of Institutional and Disciplinary Inquiry
Camille Newton and Ellen Schendel
Lisa J. McClure
Stephen M. North, et al. Refiguring the Ph.D. in English Studies: Writing, Doctoral Education, and the Fusion-Based Curriculum
Peter Sands
Sibylle Gruber, ed. Weaving a Virtual Web: Practical Approaches to New Information Technology
Announcements and Calls for Papers
View the entire issue of WPA 24.1-2 (Fall 2000) as one PDF file.
WPA 23.3 (Spring 2000)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 23.3 (Spring 2000)
Frontmatter (Includes 20th anniversary retrospective, with a repring of Kenneth Bruffee's 1980 "A Query to Readers")
Hindman, Jane E. "Fostering Liberatory Teaching: A Proposal for Revising Instructional Assessment Practices." WPA: Writing Program Administration 23.3 (2000): 11-31.
Coulter, Lauren Sewell. "Lean Mean Grading Machines? A Bourdieuian Reading of Novice Instructors in a Portfolio-Based Writing Program." WPA: Writing Program Administration 23.3 (2000): 33-49.
Rhodes, Keith. "Marketing Composition for the 21st Century."WPA: Writing Program Administration 23.3 (2000): 51-69.
Kinkead, Joyce, and Jeanne Simpson "The Administrative Audience: A Rhetorical Problem." WPA: Writing Program Administration 23.3 (2000): 71-84.
Amorose, Thomas. "WPA Work at the Small College or University: Re-Imagining Power and Making the Small School Visible." WPA: Writing Program Administration 23.3 (2000): 85-103
Lalicker, William B. Review Essay. "Mothers, Researchers, and Mentors: Writing Program Administrators Redefining Their Professional Lives." WPA: Writing Program Administration 23.3 (2000): 105-14.
Golson, Emily. "Reflection on the State of the Discipline: Administrative Problem-Solving and Good Intentions." Review of Good Intentions by Nancy Maloney Grimm and Administrative Problem-Solving for Writing Programs and Writing Centers edited by Linda Myers-Breslin. WPA: Writing Program Administration 23.3 (2000): 115-20.
Harris, Joseph. "Unmanaged Care." Review of Know and Tell by David Bleich and The Mythology of Voice by Darsie Bowden. WPA: Writing Program Administration 23.3 (2000): 121-26.
Rutz, Carol. "Objectivist and Constructivist Knowledge." Review of Ways of Thinking, Ways of Teaching by George Hillocks, Jr. WPA: Writing Program Administration 23.3 (2000): 127-29.
View the entire issue of WPA 23.3 (Spring 2000) as one PDF file (8.25 MB).
WPA 23.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1999)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 23.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1999)
Borrowman, Shane. "The Trinity of Portfolio Placement: Validity, Reliability, and Curriculum Reform." WPA: Writing Program Administration 23.1-2 (1999): 7-28.
Bushman, Donald. "The WPA as Pragmatist: Recasting 'Service' as 'Human Science.'"WPA: Writing Program Administration 23.1-2 (1999): 29-44.
Cain, Mary Ann, and George Kalamaras. "(Re)presenting the Work of Writing Program Administrators." WPA: Writing Program Administration 23.1-2 (1999): 45-58.
Council of Writing Program Administrators [with responses by Keith Rhodes; Mark Wiley; Kathleen Blake Yancey]. "The WPA Outcomes Statement for First-Year Composition." WPA: Writing Program Administration 23.1-2 (1999): 59-66.
View the entire issue of WPA 23.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1999) as one PDF file (3.43 MB).
WPA 22.3 (Spring 1999)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 22.3 (Spring 1999)
Trimbur, John. "The Problem of Freshman English (Only): Towards Programs of Study in Writing." WPA: Writing Program Administration 22.3 (1998): 9-30.
Gunner, Jeanne. "Identity and Location: A Study of WPA Models, Memberships, and Agendas." WPA: Writing Program Administration 22.3 (1998): 31-54.
Bruffee, Kenneth. "Thoughts of a Fly on the Wall." WPA: Writing Program Administration 22.3 (1998): 55-64.
Ebest, Sally Barr. "The Next Generation of WPAs: A Study of Graduate Students in Composition/Rhetoric." WPA: Writing Program Administration 22.3 (1998): 65-84.
View the entire issue of WPA 22.3 (Spring 1999) as one PDF file (6.2 MB).
WPA 22.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1998)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 22.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1998)
Leverenz, Carrie Shively, and Amy Goodburn. "Professionalizing TA Training: Commitment to Teaching or Rhetorical Response to Market Crisis?." WPA: Writing Program Administration 22.1-2 (1998): 9-32.
Rose, Shirley K., and Margaret J. Finders. "Learning from Experience: Using Situated Performances in Writing Teacher Development." WPA: Writing Program Administration 22.1-2 (1998): 33-52.
Harrington, Susanmarie. "New Visions of Authority in Placement Test Rating." WPA: Writing Program Administration 22.1-2 (1998): 53-84.
Council of Writing Program Administrators. "Evaluating the Intellectual Work of Writing Administration." WPA: Writing Program Administration 22.1-2 (1998): 85-104.
View the entire issue of WPA 22.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1998) as one PDF file (7.2 MB).
WPA 21.2-3 (Spring 1998)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 21.2-3 (Fall/Winter 1998)
Gunner, Jeanne. "Letter from the Guest Editor." WPA: Writing Program Administration 21.2-3 (1997): 7-8.
Meeks, Lynn, and Christine Hult. "A Co-Mentoring Model of Administration." WPA: Writing Program Administration 21.2-3 (1998): 9-22.
Aronson, Anne, and Craig Hansen. "Doubling Our Chances: Co-Directing a Writing Program." WPA: Writing Program Administration 21.2-3 (1998): 23-32.
Keller, Katherine L., Jennie Lee, Ben W.McClelland, and Brenda Robertson. "Reconstituting Authority: Four Perspectives on a Team Approach to Writing Program Administration." WPA: Writing Program Administration 21.2-3 (1998): 33-51.
Harrington, Susanmarie, Steve Fox, and Tere Molinder Hogue. "Power, Partnership, and Negotiations: The Limits of Collaboration." WPA: Writing Program Administration 21.2-3 (1998): 52-64.
Schell, Eileen E. "Who's the Boss?: The Possibilities and Pitfalls of Collaborative Administration for Untenured WPAs." WPA: Writing Program Administration 21.2-3 (1998): 65-80.
Quiroz, Sharon. "Collaborating at the ECB [English Composition Board]: A Reflection." WPA: Writing Program Administration 21.2-3 (1998): 81-91.
Smoke, Trudy. "Collaborating with Power: Contradictions of Working as a WPA." WPA: Writing Program Administration 21.2-3 (1998): 92-100.
Fitzgerald, Sallyanne H. "Pleasure and Pain: Faculty and Administrators in a Shared Governance Environment." WPA: Writing Program Administration 21.2-3 (1998): 101-105.
Anson, Chris M., and Carol Rutz. "Graduate Students, Writing Programs, and Consensus-Based Management: Collaboration in the Face of Disciplinary Ideology." WPA: Writing Program Administration 21.2-3 (1998): 106-120.
Peters, Bradley. "Enculturation, not Alchemy: Professionalizing Novice Writing Program Administrators." WPA: Writing Program Administration 21.2-3 (1998): 121-136.
Blakemore, Peter. "An Intentionally Ecological Approach to Teacher Training." WPA: Writing Program Administration 21.2-3 (1998): 137-149.
Recchio, Tom. "WPA as Conversation." WPA: Writing Program Administration 21.2-3 (1998): 150-161.
Spellmeyer, Kurt. "Marginal Prospects." WPA: Writing Program Administration 21.2-3 (1998): 162-182.
Martin, Eric. "The WPA Annual Bibliography of Writing Textbooks." WPA: Writing Program Administration 21.2-3 (1998): 188-214.
Backmatter (includes Contributors, Ads, Announcements)
View the entire issue of WPA 21.2-3 (Spring 1998) as one PDF file (15 MB).
WPA 21.1 (Fall/Winter 1997)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 21.1 (Fall/Winter 1997)
Hesse, Doug. "Letter from the Editor." WPA: Writing Program Administration 21.1 (1997): 6.
Bamberg, Betty. "Alternative Models of First-Year Composition: Possibilities and Problems." WPA: Writing Program Administration 21.1 (1997): 7-18.
Graham, Margaret Baker, Elizabeth Birmingham, and Mark Zachry. "Reinventing First-Year Composition at the First Land-Grant University: A Cautionary Tale." WPA: Writing Program Administration 21.1 (1997): 19-30.
Kearns, Judith; Brian Turner. "Negotiated Independence: How a Canadian Writing Program Became a Centre." WPA: Writing Program Administration 21.1 (1997): 31-43.
Chase, Geoffrey. "Redefining Composition, Managing Change, and the Role of the WPA." WPA: Writing Program Administration 21.1 (1997): 46-54.
Gradin, Sherrie. "What Happens to the Writing Program Administrator When the Writing Requirements Go Away?" WPA: Writing Program Administration 21.1 (1997): 55-66.
McLeod, Susan H. "WAC at Century's End: Haunted by the Ghost of Fred Newton Scott." WPA: Writing Program Administration 21.1 (1997): 67-73.
Cogie, Jane. "Theory Made Visible: How Tutoring May Affect Development of Student-Centered Teachers." WPA: Writing Program Administration 21.1 (1997): 76-84.
Bloom, Lynn Z. "Bloom's Laws." WPA: Writing Program Administration 21.1 (1997): 85-87.
Backmatter (Contributors, Ads)
View the entire issue of WPA 21.1 (Fall/Winter 1997) as one PDF file (6.46 MB).
WPA 20.3 (Spring 1997)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 20.3 (Spring 1997)
Hesse, Doug. "Letter from the Editor." WPA: Writing Program Administration 20.3 (1997): 6.
Gebhardt, Richard C. "Scholarship, Teaching, and the Future of Composition Studies." WPA: Writing Program Administration 20.3 (1997): 7-16.
Boehm, Diane. "Traditional Criteria: Solution or Stumbling Block?" Response to "Evaluating the Intellectual Work of WPA: A Draft," WPA 20.1-2. WPA: Writing Program Administration 20.3 (1997): 17-19.
Duffey, Suellynn. "Whose Work?" Response to "Evaluating the Intellectual Work of WPA: A Draft," WPA 20.1-2. WPA: Writing Program Administration 20.3 (1997): 19-20.
Enos, Theresa. "A Reconsideration, a Redefinition." Response to "Evaluating the Intellectual Work of WPA: A Draft," WPA 20.1-2. WPA: Writing Program Administration 20.3 (1997): 20-22.
Gunner, Jeanne. "Politicizing the Portland Resolution." WPA: Writing Program Administration 20.3 (1997): 23-30.
Uchmanowicz, Pauline. "Lessons from the Margins of the Academic Grove, or 'Hoop Dreams.'" WPA: Writing Program Administration 20.3 (1997): 31-45.
Miraglia, Eric, and Susan McLeod. "Whither WAC? Interpreting the Stories/Histories of Enduring WAC Programs." WPA: Writing Program Administration 20.3 (1997): 46-65.
Allen, Michael, Jane Frick, Jeff Sommers, and Kathleen Blake Yancey. "Outside Review of Writing Portfolios: An Online Evaluation." WPA: Writing Program Administration 20.3 (1997): 66-90.
Zimmerman, Ray, and Ellen Strenski. "Using the World Wide Web for Instruction Development: Writing Program Home Pages, Online Course Manuals, and Web-Archived Staff Listserves." WPA: Writing Program Administration 20.3 (1997): 91-101.
Martin, Eric. "The WPA Annual Bibliography of Writing Textbooks."WPA: Writing Program Administration 20.3 (1997): 102-125.
Backmatter (includes Contributors, Ads, Announcements)
View the entire issue of WPA 19.3 (Spring 1996) as one PDF file (8.4 MB).
WPA 20.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1996)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 20.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1996)
Hesse, Doug. "Letter from the Editor." WPA: Writing Program Administration 20.1-2 (1996): 6.
Taylor, Todd. "Computers in the Composition Curriculum: An Update." WPA: Writing Program Administration 20.1-2 (1996): 7-18.
Holdstein, Deborah H. "A Politics of Composition and Technology: Institutions and the Hazards of Making New." WPA: Writing Program Administration 20.1-2 (1996): 19-31.
Clark, Irene L., and Dave Healy. "Are Writing Centers Ethical?." WPA: Writing Program Administration 20.1-2 (1996): 32-48.
Miller, Hildy. "Postmasculinist Directions in Writing Program Administration." WPA: Writing Program Administration 20.1-2 (1996): 49-65.
Long, Mark C., Jennifer H. Holberg, and Marcy M.Taylor. "Beyond Apprenticeship: Graduate Students, Professional Development Programs and the Future(s) of English Studies." WPA: Writing Program Administration 20.1-2 (1996): 66-78.
Glau, Gregory R. "The 'Stretch Program': Arizona State University's New Model of University-Level Basic Writing Instruction." WPA: Writing Program Administration 20.1-2 (1996): 79-91.
Council of Writing Program Administrators. "Evaluating the Intellectual Work of Writing Program Administrators: A Draft." WPA: Writing Program Administration 20.1-2 (1996): 92-103.
Sandy, Kristi. Review of Reconceiving Writing, Rethinking Writing Instruction edited by Joseph Petraglia. WPA: Writing Program Administration 20.1-2 (1996): 104-106.
Backmatter (Contributors and Ads)
View the entire issue of WPA 20.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1996) as one PDF file (14.5 MB).
WPA 19.3 (Spring 1996)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 19.3 (Spring 1996)
Hesse, Doug. "Letter from the Editor." WPA: Writing Program Administration 19.3 (1996): 6.
Latterell, Catherine G. "Training the Workforce: An Overview of GTA Education Curricula." WPA: Writing Program Administration 19.3 (1996): 7-23.
Swyt, Wendy. "Teacher Training in the Contact Zone." WPA: Writing Program Administration 19.3 (1996): 24-35.
Catalano, Timothy, Will Clemens, Julia Goodwin, Gary McMillin, Jeff White, and Stephen Wilhoit. "TA Training in English: An Annotated Biliography." WPA: Writing Program Administration 19.3 (1996): 36-54.
Yancey, Kathleen Blake. "Portfolio as Genre, Rhetoric as Reflection: Situating Selves, Literacies, and Knowledge." WPA: Writing Program Administration 19.3 (1996): 55-69.
Bishop, Wendy, and Gay Lynn Crossley. "How to Tell a Story of Stopping: The Complexities of Narrating a WPA's Experience." WPA: Writing Program Administration 19.3 (1996): 70-79.
Roen, Duane. Review of Resituating Writing: Constructing and Adminitering Writing Programs edited by Joseph Janangelo and Kristine Hansen. WPA: Writing Program Administration 19.3 (1996): 80-82.
Martin, Eric. "The WPA Annual Bibliography of Writing Textbooks." WPA: Writing Program Administration 19.3 (1996): 83-102.
Backmatter (includes Contributors, Ads, Announcements)
View the entire issue of WPA 19.3 (Spring 1996) as one PDF file (13.4 MB).
WPA 19.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1995)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 19.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1995)
Hesse, Doug. "Letter from the Editor." WPA: Writing Program Administration 19.1-2 (1995): 7-23.
Reynolds, Nedra. "Dusting off Instructor's Manuals: The Teachers and Practices They Assume." WPA: Writing Program Administration 19.1-2 (1995): 7-23.
Anson, Chris M., David A. Jolliffe, and Nancy Shapiro. "Stories to Teach By: Using Narrative Cases in TA and Faculty Development." WPA: Writing Program Administration 19.1-2 (1995): 24-37.
Harrison, Suzan. "Portfolios Across the Curriculum." WPA: Writing Program Administration 19.1-2 (1995): 38-49.
Burnham, Christopher C., and Cheryl Nims. "Closing the Circle: Outcomes Assessment, TQM [Total Quality Management] and the WPA." WPA: Writing Program Administration 19.1-2 (1995): 50-65.
Grego, Rhonda C., and Nancy S. Thompson. "The Writing Studio Program: Reconfiguring Basic Writing/Freshman Composition." WPA: Writing Program Administration 19.1-2 (1995): 66-79.
Backmatter (Contributors and Ads)
View the entire issue of WPA 19.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1995) as one PDF file (11.8 MB).
WPA 18.3 (Spring 1995)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 18.3 (Spring 1995)
Shamoon, Linda K., Robert A. Schwegler, John Trimbur, and Patricia Bizzell. "New Rhetoric Courses in Writing Programs: A Report from a Conference for New England Writing Program Administrators." WPA: Writing Program Administration 18.3 (1995): 7-25.
Healy, Dave. "Writing Center Directors: An Emerging Portrait of the Profession." WPA: Writing Program Administration 18.3 (1995): 26-43.
Hult, Christine. "Politics Redux: The Organization and Administration of Writing Programs." WPA: Writing Program Administration 18.3 (1995): 44-52.
Barr-Ebest, Sally. "Gender Differences in Writing Program Administration." WPA: Writing Program Administration 18.3 (1995): 53-73.
McClure, Lisa J. "Review. Teaching and Assessing Writing by Edward M. White." WPA: Writing Program Administration 18.3 (1995): 75-76.
Smitten, Paige Dayton. "Annual Bibliography of Writing Textbooks." WPA: Writing Program Administration 18.3 (1995): 77-89.
Backmatter (includes Contributors, Ads, Announcements)
View the entire issue of WPA 18.3 (Spring 1995) as one PDF file (3.04 MB).
WPA 18.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1994)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 18.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1994)
Hesse, Douglas. "The Function of WPA at the Present Time." WPA: Writing Program Administration 18.1-2 (1994): 6-7.
Gunner, Jeanne. "Decentering the WPA." WPA: Writing Program Administration 18.1-2 (1994): 8-15.
Little, Sherry Burgus, and Shirley K Rose. "A Home of Our Wwn: Establishing a Department of Rhetoric and Writing Studies at San Diego State University." WPA: Writing Program Administration 18.1-2 (1994): 16-28.
Boardman, Kathleen A. "A Usable Past: Functions of Stories Among New TAs." WPA: Writing Program Administration 18.1-2 (1994): 29-36.
Silva, Tony. "An Examination of Writing Program Administrators' Options for the Placement of ESL Students in First Year Writing Classes." WPA: Writing Program Administration 18.1-2 (1994): 37-43.
Haswell, Richard H., Lisa Johnson-Shull, and Susan Wyche-Smith. "Shooting Niagara: Making Portfolio Assessment Serve Instruction at a State University." WPA: Writing Program Administration 18.1-2 (1994): 44-55.
Robertson, Alice. "Teach, Not Test: A Look at a New Writing Placement Procedure." WPA: Writing Program Administration 18.1-2 (1994): 56-63.
Backmatter (Contributors and Ads)
View the entire issue of WPA 18.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1994) as one PDF file (6.47 MB).
WPA 17.3 (Spring 1994)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 17.3 (Spring 1994)
Mendelson, Michael. "Professional Communication and the Politics of English Studies." WPA: Writing Program Administration 17.3 (1994): 7-21.
Little, Sherry Burgus. "Developing a Technical Communication Program: The Role of the WPA." WPA: Writing Program Administration 17.3 (1994): 22-34.
Carson, Jay. "Recognizing and Using Context as a Survival Tool for WAC." WPA: Writing Program Administration 17.3 (1994): 35-48.
Huot, Brian. "A Survey of College and University Writing Placement Practices." WPA: Writing Program Administration 17.3 (1994): 49-67.
Wolf, Thia. Review of Writing Across the Curriculum: A Guide to Developing Programs, edited by Susan McLeod and Margot Soven. WPA: Writing Program Administration 17.3 (1994): 68-70.
Council of Writing Program Adminsitrators. "Guidelines for Affiliate Organizations." WPA: Writing Program Administration 17.3 (1994): 71-73.
Smitten, Paige Dayton. "Bibliography of Writing Textbooks." WPA: Writing Program Administration 17.3 (1993): 75-94.
Backmatter (includes Ads, Announcements)
View the entire issue of WPA 17.3 (Spring 1994) as one PDF file (3.04 MB).
WPA 17.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1993)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 17.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1993)
Sommers, Jeffrey, Laurel Black, Donald A.Daiker, and Gail Stygall. "The Challenges of Rating Portfolios: What WPAs Can Expect." WPA: Writing Program Administration 17.1-2 (1993): 7-30.
Faery, Rebecca Blevins. "Teachers and Writers: The Faculty Writing Workshop and Writing Across the Curriculum." WPA: Writing Program Administration 17.1-2 (1993): 31-42.
Mahala, Daniel, and Michael Vivion. "The Role of AP and the Composition Program." WPA: Writing Program Administration 17.1-2 (1993): 43-57.
Soven, Margot. "Curriculum-Based Peer Tutoring Programs: A Survey." WPA: Writing Program Administration 17.1-2 (1993): 58-74.
Hall, Dennis R. "Compost: A Writing Program Newsletter and Its Rationale." WPA: Writing Program Administration 17.1-2 (1993): 75-82.
McLeod, Susan H., and Fred S. Schwarzbach. "What About the TAs? Making the Wyoming Resolution a Reality for Graduate Students." WPA: Writing Program Administration 17.1-2 (1993): 83-87.
Anonymous. "Draft Document: Guidelines for Self-Study to Precede WPA Visit." WPA: Writing Program Administration 17.1-2 (1993): 88-97.
Backmatter (includes notes on Contributors, Announcements)
View the entire issue of WPA 17.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1993) as one PDF file (4.13 MB).
WPA 16.3 (Spring 1993)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 16.3 (Spring 1993)
Seitz, James E. "Eluding Righteous Discourse: A Discreet Politics for New Writing Curricula." WPA: Writing Program Administration 16.3 (1993): 7-14.
Waldo, Mark. "The Last Best Place for WAC: The Writing Center." WPA: Writing Program Administration 16.3 (1993): 15-26.
Jeske, Jeff. "Creating the Institution-Specific Writing Center." WPA: Writing Program Administration 16.3 (1993): 27-36.
Howard, Rebecca Moore. "Power Revisited; Or, How We Became a Department." WPA: Writing Program Administration 16.3 (1993): 37-49.
Kearns, Edward A. "On the Running Board of the Portfolio Bandwagon." WPA: Writing Program Administration 16.3 (1993): 50-58.
Wells, Dorothy. "Causes of Unintentional Plagiarism." WPA: Writing Program Administration 16.3 (1993): 59-71.
Carter, Duncan. "The Transformation of Instruction in Writing: Implications for Class Size." WPA: Writing Program Administration 16.3 (1993): 72-75.
Contributors and Announcements
Smitten, Paige Dayton. "Bibliography of Writing Textbooks." WPA: Writing Program Administration 16.3 (1993): 78-98.
Backmatter (includes Ads)
View the entire issue of WPA 16.3 (Spring 1993) as one PDF file (5.38 MB).
WPA 16.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1992)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 16.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1992)
Greenberg, Karen L. "Validity and Reliability Issues in the Direct Assessment of Writing." WPA: Writing Program Administration 16.1-2 (1992): 7-23.
Despain, LaRene, and Thomas L. Hilgers. "Readers' Responses to the Rating of Non-Uniform Portfolios: Are There Limits on Portfolios' Utility?." WPA: Writing Program Administration 16.1-2 (1992): 24-37.
Healy, Dave. "The Deprofessionalization of the Writing Instructor." WPA: Writing Program Administration 16.1-2 (1992): 38-49.
Swilky, Jody. "Reconsidering Faculty Resistance to Writing Reform." WPA: Writing Program Administration 16.1-2 (1992): 50-61.
Rankin, Elizabeth. "In the Spirit of Wyoming: Using Local Action Research to Create a Context for Change." WPA: Writing Program Administration 16.1-2 (1992): 62-70.
Carter, Duncan, and Ben McClelland. "WPAs Assess the CCCC's 'Statement of Principles and Standards'." WPA: Writing Program Administration 16.1-2 (1992): 71-87.
Hult, Christine, and The Portland Resolution Committee. "The Portland Resolution." WPA: Writing Program Administration 16.1-2 (1992): 88-94.
Backmatter (includes notes on Contributors, Announcements)
View the entire issue of WPA 16.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1992) as one PDF file (5.04 MB).
WPA 15.3 (Spring 1992)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 15.3 (Spring 1992)
McLeod, Susan H. "Responding to Plagiarism: The Role of the WPA." WPA: Writing Program Administration 15.3 (1992): 7-16.
Rafoth, Bennett A., and Donald L. Rubin. "Speaking-Writing Curricula: New Designs on an Old Idea." WPA: Writing Program Administration 15.3 (1992): 17-30.
Huot, Brian. "Finding Out What They Are Writing: A Method, Rationale and Sample for Writing-Across-the-Curriculum Research." WPA: Writing Program Administration 15.3 (1992): 31-40.
Leahy, Richard. "Competency Testing and the Writing Center." WPA: Writing Program Administration 15.3 (1992): 41-56.
Recchio, Thomas E. "Parallel Academic Lives: Affinities of Teaching Assistants and Freshman Writers." WPA: Writing Program Administration 15.3 (1992): 57-61.
McBroom, Geraldine L. "A New Crop of Teaching Assistants and How They Grew." WPA: Writing Program Administration 15.3 (1992): 62-67.
Strenski, Ellen. "Helping TAs Across the Curriculum Teach Writing: An Additional Use for the TA Handbook." WPA: Writing Program Administration 15.3 (1992): 68-73.
Webb, Suzanne S. "Bibliography of Writing Textbooks." WPA: Writing Program Administration 15.3 (1992): 78-98.
Backmatter (includes notes on Contributors, Announcements)
View the entire issue of WPA 15.3 (Spring 1992) as one PDF file (4.31 MB).
WPA 15.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1991)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 15.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1991)
White, Edward M. "Use It or Lose It: Power and the WPA." WPA: Writing Program Administration 15.1-2 (1991): 3-12.
Perdue, Virginia. "Writing-Center Faculty in Academia: Another Look at Our Institutional Status." WPA: Writing Program Administration 15.1-2 (1991): 13-24.
McLeod, Susan H., and Margot Soven. "What Do You Need to Start-and Sustain a Writing-Across-the-Curriculum Program?." WPA: Writing Program Administration 15.1-2 (1991): 25-34.
Schildgen, Brenda Deen. "Master of Arts in Writing." WPA: Writing Program Administration 15.1-2 (1991): 35-50.
Schwalm, David E. "High School/College Dual Enrollment." WPA: Writing Program Administration 15.1-2 (1991): 51-54.
Vivion, Michael J. "High School/College Dual enrollment and the Composition Program." WPA: Writing Program Administration 15.1-2 (1991): 55-59.
Janangelo, Joseph. "Somewhere Between Disparity and Despair: Writing Program Administrators, Image Problems, and the MLA job Information List." WPA: Writing Program Administration 15.1-2 (1991): 60-66.
Burnham, Christopher C. Review of How Writing Shapes Thinking: A Study of Teaching and Learning by Judith A. Langer and Arthur N. Appleby. WPA: Writing Program Administration 15.1-2 (1991): 67-72.
Backmatter (includes notes on Contributors, Announcements, and Vol. Index)
View the entire issue of WPA 15.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1991) as one PDF file (5.2 MB).
WPA 14.3 (Spring 1991)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 14.3 (Spring 1991)
Livingston-Webber, Joan. "Limits on the Power of Naming." WPA: Writing Program Administration 14.3 (1991): 7-20.
Thomas Recchio, and Lynn Z. Bloom. "Initiation Rites, Initiation Rights." WPA: Writing Program Administration 14.3 (1991): 21-26.
Cooper, Allene, and D. G. Kehl. "Development of Composition Instruction Through Peer Coaching." WPA: Writing Program Administration 14.3 (1991): 27-40.
Thomas, Trudelle. "The Graduate Student as Apprentice WPA: Experiencing the Future." WPA: Writing Program Administration 14.3 (1991): 41-52.
Leki, Ilona. "A New Approach to Advanced ESL Placement Testing." WPA: Writing Program Administration 14.3 (1991): 53-68.
Beidler, Peter G. "The Writing Program Administration Evaluation: A Recent Case History." WPA: Writing Program Administration 14.3 (1991): 69-72.
McLeod, Susan H. "Requesting a Consultant-Evaluation Visit." WPA: Writing Program Administration 14.3 (1991): 73-79.
Webb, Suzanne S. "Bibliography of Writing Textbooks." WPA: Writing Program Administration 14.3 (1991): 84-108
Backmatter (includes notes on Contributors, Announcements)
View the entire issue of WPA 14.3 (Spring 1991) as one PDF file (5.42 MB).
WPA 14.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1990)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 14.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1990)
Cornell, Cynthia, and David J. Klooster. "Writing Across the Curriculum: Transforming the Academy?." WPA: Writing Program Administration 14.1-2 (1990): 7-16.
McMullen, Judith Q., and J. Douglas Wellman. "Writing Programs Outside the English Department: An Assessment of a Five-Year Program." WPA: Writing Program Administration 14.1-2 (1990): 17-26.
Olds, Barbara M. "Does a Writing Program Make a Difference? A Ten-Year Comparison of Faculty Attitudes about Writing." WPA: Writing Program Administration 14.1-2 (1990): 27-40.
Gale, Irene. "Conflicting Paradigms: Theoretical and Administrative Tensions in Writing Program Administration." WPA: Writing Program Administration 14.1-2 (1990): 41-50.
Smit, David W. "Evaluating a Portfolio System." WPA: Writing Program Administration 14.1-2 (1990): 51-62.
Weiser, Irwin. "Surveying New Teaching Asistants: Who They Are, What They Know, and What They Want to Know." WPA: Writing Program Administration 14.1-2 (1990): 63-71.
Backmatter (includes notes on Contributors, Announcements, and Vol. Index)
View the entire issue of WPA 14.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1990) as one PDF file (5.2 MB).
WPA 13.3 (Spring 1990)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 13.3 (Spring 1990)
Gage, John T. "The Uses of a Handbook for Teachers." WPA: Writing Program Administration 13.3 (1990): 5-16.
Clark, Beverly Lyon, and Roger D. Clark. "On Placing and Misplacing Students: Some Thoughts on Exemption." WPA: Writing Program Administration 13.3 (1990): 17-26.
Howard, Rebecca Moore, David J. Hess, and Margaret Flanders Darby. "Hiring Across the Curriculum." WPA: Writing Program Administration 13.3 (1990): 27-36.
Broder, Peggy F. "Writing Centers and Teacher Training." WPA: Writing Program Administration 13.3 (1990): 37-46.
White, Edward M. "A Review of Mike Rose's Lives on the Boundary: The Struggles and Achievements of America's Underprepared. WPA: Writing Program Administration 13.3 (1990): 47-.
Webb, Suzanne S. "Bibliography of Writing Textbooks." WPA: Writing Program Administration 13.3 (1990): 51-69.
View the entire issue of WPA 13.3 (Spring 1990) as one PDF file (3.62 MB).
* Credits: Preparation of these digital archives was the result of work numerous people throughout the course of its three-year evolution. David Blakesley, WPA Web Developer (2004-2008), coordinated the effort with the generous assistance of many students in courses in Professional Writing at Purdue University.
WPA 13.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1989)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 13.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1989)
Armstrong, Cherryl, and Sheryl J. Fontaine. "The Power of Naming: Names That Create and Define the Discipline." WPA: Writing Program Administration 13.1-2 (1989): 5-14.
Schwalm, David E. "Teaching Basic Writing: The Community College on the University Campus." WPA: Writing Program Administration 13.1-2 (1989): 15-24.
Grogan, Nedra, and Donald A. Daiker. "Team-Grading in College Composition." WPA: Writing Program Administration 13.1-2 (1989): 25-34.
Harris, Jeannette, Diana George, Christina Hult M., and Jimmie Killingsworth. "Computers in the Composition Curriculum: Looking Ahead." WPA: Writing Program Administration 13.1-2 (1989): 35-44.
McLeod, Susan, and Kathy Jane Garretson. "The Disabled Student and the Writing Program: A Guide for Administrators." WPA: Writing Program Administration 13.1-2 (1989): 45-52.
Anderson, Chris. "Cold Fusion and the Road Less Travelled: A Review of Developing Successful College Writing Programs." WPA: Writing Program Administration 13.1-2 (1989): 53.
View the entire issue of WPA 13.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1989 as one PDF file (3.45 MB).
WPA 12.3 (Spring 1989)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 12.3 (Spring 1989)
Fulwiler, Toby. "Writing Workshops and the Mechanics of Change." WPA: Writing Program Administration 12.3 (1989): 7-20.
Flinn, Jane Zeni, and Chris Madigan. "High Tech Staff Development." WPA: Writing Program Administration 12.3 (1989): 21-30.
Otte, George. "What Do Writing Teachers Think?" WPA: Writing Program Administration 12.3 (1989): 31-42.
Fowler, Judy, and Stefan Martin. "School-College Partnerships and Their Impact on Writing Programs." WPA: Writing Program Administration 12.3 (1989): 43-56.
Aschauer, Mary Ann. "Reinforcing Successive Gains: Collaborative Projects for Writing Faculty." WPA: Writing Program Administration 12.3 (1989): 57-61.
Webb, Suzanne S. "Bibliography of Writing Textbooks." WPA: Writing Program Administration 12.3 (1989): 57-63.
View the entire issue of WPA 12.3 (Spring 1989) as one PDF file (4.87 MB).
WPA 12.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1988)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 12.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1988)
Hult, Christine. "Editor's Note." WPA: Writing Program Administration 12.1-2 (1988): 11-12.
Trimbur, John, and Barbara Cambridge. "The Wyoming Conference Resolution: A Beginning." WPA: Writing Program Administration 12.1-2 (1988): 13-18.
Olson, Gary A., and Evelyn Ashton-Jones. "Writing Center Directors: The Search for Professional Status." WPA: Writing Program Administration 12.1-2 (1988): 19-28.
Raines, Helon Howell. "Teaching Writing in the Two-Year College." WPA: Writing Program Administration 12.1-2 (1988): 29-38.
Howard, Rebecca M. "In Situ Workshops and the Peer Relationships of Composition Faculty." WPA: Writing Program Administration 12.1-2 (1988): 39-46.
Kirsch, Gesa. "Writing Across the Curriculum: The Program at Third College, University of California, San Diego." WPA: Writing Program Administration 12.1-2 (1988): 47-55.
View the entire issue of WPA 12.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1988) as one PDF file (3.06 MB).
WPA 11.3 (Spring 1988)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 11.3 (Spring 1988)
Smith, Bill. "Editor's Note." WPA: Writing Program Administration 11.3 (1988): 7.
Hairston, Maxine. "Some Speculations about the Future of Writing Programs." WPA: Writing Program Administration 11.3 (1988): 9-16.
Roy, Alice M. "ESL Concerns for Writing Program Administrators: Problems and Policies." WPA: Writing Program Administration 11.3 (1988): 17-28.
Martin, Wanda. "Dancing on the Interface: Leadership and the Politics of Collaboration." WPA: Writing Program Administration 11.3 (1988): 29-40.
Reagan, Sally Barr. "Teaching TAs to Teach: Show, Don't Tell." WPA: Writing Program Administration 11.3 (1988): 41-52.
Glick, Milton D. "Writing Across the Curriculum: A Dean's Perspective." WPA: Writing Program Administration 11.3 (1988): 53-58.
Weaver, Barbara T. "Bibliography of Writing Textbooks." WPA: Writing Program Administration 11.3 (1988): 59-76.
Backmatter (includes index to volume 11)
View the entire issue of WPA 11.3 (Spring 1988) as one PDF file (4.75 MB).
WPA 11.1-2 (Fall 1987)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 11.1-2 (Fall 1987)
Kail, Harvey, and John Trimbur. "The Politics of Peer Tutoring." WPA: Writing Program Administration 11.1-2 (1987): 5-12.
Bullock, Richard H. "When Administration Becomes Scholarship: The Future of Writing Program Administration." WPA: Writing Program Administration 11.1-2 (1987): 13-18.
McLeod, Susan. "Defining Writing Across the Curriculum." WPA: Writing Program Administration 11.1-2 (1987): 19-24.
Beene, LynnDianne, and Scott P. Sanders. "Writing Across the English Department." WPA: Writing Program Administration 11.1-2 (1987): 25-34.
Marting, Janet. "A Retrospective on Training Teaching Assistants." WPA: Writing Program Administration 11.1-2 (1987): 35-44.
Shook, Ronald. "Stalking the Wild TA." WPA: Writing Program Administration 11.1-2 (1987): 45-50.
View the entire issue of WPA 11.1-2 (Fall 1987) as one PDF file (2.75 MB).
WPA 10.3 (Spring 1987)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 10.3 (Spring 1987)
Smith, Bill. "Editorial." WPA: Writing Program Administration 10.3 (1987): 9-10.
Peterson, Linda. "The WPA's Progress: A Survey, Story, and Commentary on the Career Patterns of Writing Program Administrators." WPA: Writing Program Administration 10.3 (1987): 11-18.
Hult, Christine A. "Assessment Topics: The Importance of the Rhetorical Frame." WPA: Writing Program Administration 10.3 (1987): 19-28.
Gordon, Barbara L. "Another Look: Standardized Tests for Placement in College Composition Courses." WPA: Writing Program Administration 10.3 (1987): 29-38.
Weaver, Barbara. "Writing Assessment: Purposes, Problems, and Possibilities—A Review Essay." WPA: Writing Program Administration 10.3 (1987): 39-44.
Buckley, William K. "Linkage Grant for the Improvement of Composition Teaching." WPA: Writing Program Administration 10.3 (1987): 45-52.
Bloom, Lynn Z., and Richard C. Gebhardt. "Coming of Age: The Writing Program Administration Summer Workshop and Conference." WPA: Writing Program Administration 10.3 (1987): 53-58.
Weaver, Barbara T. "Bibliography of Writing Textbooks." WPA: Writing Program Administration 10.3 (1986): 59-78.
View the entire issue of WPA 10.3 (Spring 1987) as one PDF file (4.08 MB).
WPA 10.1-2 (Fall-Winter 1986)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 10.1-2 (Fall-Winter 1986)
Wiener, Harvey. "Writing Assessment: An Evaluation Paradigm." WPA: Writing Program Administration 10.1-2 (1986): 13-16.
Spear, Karen, and Barbara Maloney. "Reading, Writing, and Thinking: High School/College Connections." WPA: Writing Program Administration 10.1-2 (1986): 17-26.
Daiker, Donald A., Mary Fuller, Max Morenberg, and Janet Ziegler. "Evaluating High School Writing: What Are Teachers Really Looking For?" WPA: Writing Program Administration 10.1-2 (1986): 27-42.
Foster, David. "Training Writing Teachers in a Small Program." WPA: Writing Program Administration 10.1-2 (1986): 43-50.
Diogenes, Marvin, Duane Roen, and C. Jan Swearingen. "Creating the Profession: The GAT Training Program at the University of Arizona." WPA: Writing Program Administration 10.1-2 (1986): 51-60.
McCormick, Frank; Chris McCormick. "The Basic Writing Course at Eastern Illinois University: An Evaluation of Its Effectiveness." WPA: Writing Program Administration 10.1-2 (1986): 61-66.
View the entire issue of WPA 10.1-2 (Fall-Winter 1986) as one PDF file (3.51 MB).
WPA 9.3 (Spring 1986)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 9.3 (Spring 1986)
Horner, Winifred Bryan. "President's Message." WPA: Writing Program Administration 9.3 (1986): 5-6.
Smith, Bill. "Editorial." WPA: Writing Program Administration 9.3 (1986): 7.
Maimon, Elaine P. "Collaborative Learning and Writing Across the Curriculum." WPA: Writing Program Administration 9.3 (1986): 9-16.
Ede, Lisa S., and Andrea A. Lunsford. "Collaborative Learning: Lessons from the World of Work." WPA: Writing Program Administration 9.3 (1986): 17-26.
Belanoff, Pat, and Peter Elbow. "Using Portfolios to Increase Collaboration and Community in a Writing Program." WPA: Writing Program Administration 9.3 (1986): 27-40.
Strong, William. "Writing as Interior Mirror." WPA: Writing Program Administration 9.3 (1986): 41-49.
Weaver, Barbara T. "Bibliography of Writing Textbooks." WPA: Writing Program Administration 9.3 (1986): 51-68.
View the entire issue of WPA 9.3 (Spring 1986) as one PDF file (3.8 MB).
WPA 9.1-2 (Fall-Winter 1985)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 9.1-2 (Fall-Winter 1985)
Bruffee, Kenneth A. "The WPA as (Journal) Writer: What the Record Reveals." WPA: Writing Program Administration 9.1-2 (1985): 5-10.
Trimmer, Joseph F. "Faculty Development and the Teaching of Writing." WPA: Writing Program Administration 9.1-2 (1985): 11-18.
Polin, Linda, and Edward M. White. "Speaking Frankly: Writing Program Administrators Look at Instructional Goals and Faculty Retraining." WPA: Writing Program Administration 9.1-2 (1985): 19-30.
Greenberg, Karen L. "Writing Assessment Test Design: Response to Two Writing Program Administration Essays." WPA: Writing Program Administration 9.1-2 (1985): 31-40.
Hemmeter, Thomas. "Spreading the Good Word: The Peer-Tutoring Report and the Public Image of the Writing Center." WPA: Writing Program Administration 9.1-2 (1985): 41-50.
Corona, Laurel, and Bruce Keitel. "'ACCESS': Retaining Underprepared College Freshmen through Coordinated Instruction in Literacy Skills and General Education." WPA: Writing Program Administration 9.1-2 (1985): 51-58.
Trimbur, John. "Writing and Undergraduate Education: A Report on the First Annual NEWPA Fall Meetings." WPA: Writing Program Administration 9.1-2 (1985): 59-62.
View the entire issue of WPA 9.1-2 (Fall-Winter 1985) as one PDF file (2.96 MB).
WPA 8.3 (Spring 1985)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 8.3 (Spring 1985)
Horner, Winifred Bryan. "President's Message." WPA: Writing Program Administration 8.1-2 (1984): 5-6.
Harris, Jeanette, and Christina Hult. "Using a Survey of Writing Assignments to Make Informed Curricular Decisions." WPA: Writing Program Administration 8.3 (1985): 7-14.
Covington, David, Ann E. Brown, and Gary Blank. "An Alternative Approach to Writing across the Curriculum: The Writing Assistance Program at North Carolina State University's School of Engineering." WPA: Writing Program Administration 8.3 (1985): 15-24.
Polin, Linda, and Edward White. "Patterns of Composition Instruction." WPA: Writing Program Administration 8.3 (1985): 25-34.
Wright, Richard. "The English Examiner: A Helpful Solution." WPA: Writing Program Administration 8.3 (1985): 35-38.
Weaver, Barbara. "Bibliography of Writing Textbooks (Spring 1985)." WPA: Writing Program Administration 8.3 (1985): 39-56.
View the entire issue of WPA 8.3 (Spring 1985) as one PDF file (3.54 MB).
WPA 8.1-2 (Fall-Winter 1984)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 8.1-2 (Fall-Winter 1984)
Smith, Bill. "Editorial." WPA: Writing Program Administration 8.1-2 (1984): 5.
Hartzog, Carol P. "Freshman English 1984: Politics and Administrative Process." WPA: Writing Program Administration 8.1-2 (1984): 7-16.
Fishman, Judith. "Do You Agree or Disagree: The Epistemology of the CUNY Writing Assessment Test." WPA: Writing Program Administration 8.1-2 (1984): 17-26.
Troyka, Lynn Quitman. "The Phenomenon of Impact: The CUNY Writing Assessment Test." WPA: Writing Program Administration 8.1-2 (1984): 27-36.
White, Edward M., and Linda Polin. "Research on Composition Programs: Faculty Attitudes and Beliefs about the Teaching of Writing." WPA: Writing Program Administration 8.1-2 (1984): 37-46.
Presley, John. "Evaluating Developmental English Programs in Georgia." WPA: Writing Program Administration 8.1-2 (1984): 47-56.
Gremore, Robert. "Community Faculty: Part-Time Teachers Who Connect the Composition Classroom to the World of Work." WPA: Writing Program Administration 8.1-2 (1984): 57-64.
View the entire issue of WPA 8.1-2 (Fall-Winter 1984) as one PDF file (2.48 MB).
WPA 7.3 (Spring 1984)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 7.3 (Spring 1984)
Lederman, Marie Jean; Michael Ribaudo; Susan Remmer Ryzewic. "A national survey on the assessment and improvement of the academic skills of entering freshman: Some implications for writing program administrators." WPA: Writing Program Administration 7.3 (1984): 11-16.
Gopen, George D. "Every spring a new haystack: A method for the annual evaluation of new composition texts." WPA: Writing Program Administration 7.3 (1984): 17-26.
Gage, Thomas; John C. Schafer. "Humboldt State University's master's program in the teaching of writing." WPA: Writing Program Administration 7.3 (1984): 27-34.
Gere, Anne Ruggles. "Review. Evaluating College Writing Programs." WPA: Writing Program Administration 7.3 (1984): 35-42.
Weaver, Barbara T. "Bibliography of Writing Textbooks." WPA: Writing Program Administration 7.3 (1984): 43-56.
View the entire issue of WPA 7.3 (Spring 1984) as one PDF file (3.38 MB).
WPA 7.1-2 (Fall-Winter 1983)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 7.1-2 (Fall-Winter 1983)
Bean, John C.; John Ramage. "An experimental program to increase the efficiency of freshman English at Montana State University: An initial report." WPA: Writing Program Administration 7.1-2 (1983): 15-32.
Trimbur, John. "Students or staff: Thoughts on the use of peer tutors in writing centers." WPA: Writing Program Administration 7.1-2 (1983): 33-38.
Matalene, Carolyn. "The shadow of testing." WPA: Writing Program Administration 7.1-2 (1983): 39-46.
Potts, Maureen; David Schwalm. "A training program for teaching assistants in freshman English." WPA: Writing Program Administration 7.1-2 (1983): 47-54.
View the entire issue of WPA 7.1-2 (Fall-Winter 1983) as one PDF file (1.65 MB).
WPA 6.3 (Spring 1983)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 6.3 (Spring 1983)
Wiener, Harvey. "President's Message." WPA: Writing Program Administration 6.3 (1983): 9.
Zelnick, Stephen C. "A Report on the Workshop on the Administration of Writing Programs, Summer, 1982." WPA: Writing Program Administration 6.3 (1983): 11-14.
Catano, James V. "Machines for the Garden." WPA: Writing Program Administration 6.3 (1983): 15-22.
Herzberg, Bruce. "A Primer on Computer Literacy for WPAs and Writing Instructors." WPA: Writing Program Administration 6.3 (1983): 23-32.
Gendron, Dennis. "Educational software for Computers: Very pretty, but Can It teach?." WPA: Writing Program Administration 6.3 (1983): 33-40.
Harris, Jeanette. "Expanding the Writing Center Audience." WPA: Writing Program Administration 6.3 (1983): 41-44.
View the entire issue of WPA 6.3 (Spring 1983) as one PDF file (1.42 MB).
WPA 6.1-2 (Fall-Winter, 1982)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 6.1-2 (Fall/Winter 1982)
Lunsford, Andrea A.; R. Howard Cross. "Avoiding the Pitfalls: The North Vancouver Writing Project." WPA: Writing Program Administration 6.1-2 (1982): 7-12.
North, Stephen. "Helping Ed." WPA: Writing Program Administration 6.1-2 (1982): 13-20.
Tackach, James M. "I am not exploited." WPA: Writing Program Administration 6.1-2 (1982): 21-24.
Weaver, Barbara T. "Bibliography of Writing Textbooks." WPA: Writing Program Administration 6.1-2 (1982): 25-43.
View the entire issue of WPA 6.1-2 (Fall-Winter 1982) as one PDF file (2.56 MB).
WPA 5.3 (Spring 1982)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 5.3 (Spring 1982)
Wiener, Harvey S. "President's Message." WPA: Writing Program Administration 5.3 (1982): 7.
Coburn, Leon. "Notes of a Freshman Freshman Comp Director or lasciate ogni speranza voi ch'entrate." WPA: Writing Program Administration 5.3 (1982): 9-14.
Peterson, Linda. "Getting a Little Help from Our (Literary) Friends." WPA: Writing Program Administration 5.3 (1982): 15-20.
Gracie, William J., Jr. "Directing Freshman English: The Role of Administration in Freshman English Programs." WPA: Writing Program Administration 5.3 (1982): 21-24.
Gaus, Paula J. "Survival Kit for Part-Time Faculty." WPA: Writing Program Administration 5.3 (1982): 25-27.
Contributors, Announcements, Index of Volumes 1-5, and Membership Form
View the entire issue of WPA 5.3 (Spring 1982) as one PDF file (1.34 MB).
WPA 5.2 (Winter 1981)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 5.2 (Winter 1981)
Broder, Peggy. "Such Good Friends: Cooperation between the English Department and the Writing Labs." WPA: Writing Program Administration 5.2 (1981): 7-12.
Harris, Muriel. "The View from the Writing Lab: Another Way to Evaluate a Writing Program." WPA: Writing Program Administration 5.2 (1981): 13-20.
Eastman, Arthur M. "Interviews and Expectations: Hiring for the 1980s." WPA: Writing Program Administration 5.2 (1981): 21-24.
Hanlon, James. "Faculty Unions: Bargaining According to the Craft Model." WPA: Writing Program Administration 5.2 (1981): 25-30.
Trimmer, Joseph. "Bibliography of Writing Textbooks." WPA: Writing Program Administration 5.2 (1981): 31-48
Participating Publishers, Contributors, Announcements, and Membership Form
View the entire issue of WPA 5.2 (Winter 1981) as one PDF file (1.49 MB).
WPA 5.1 (Fall 1981)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 5.1 (Fall 1981)
Frontmatter (including Ken Bruffee's "Editorial")
Blank, Susan, and Beth Greenberg. "Living at the Bottom." WPA: Writing Program Administration 5.1 (1981): 9-12.
McClelland, Ben W. "Part-Time Faculty in English Composition: A WPA Survey." WPA: Writing Program Administration 5.1 (1981): 13-20.
Weinman, Geoffrey S. "A Part-Time Freshman Writing Staff: Problems and Solutions." WPA: Writing Program Administration 5.1 (1981): 21-28.
McQuade, Donald A. "The Case of the Migrant Workers." WPA: Writing Program Administration 5.1 (1981): 29-34.
Booth, Wayne C. "A Cheap, Efficient, Challenging, Sure-Fire and Obvious Device for Combatting the Major Scandal in Higher Education Today." WPA: Writing Program Administration 5.1 (1981): 35-40.
Contributors, Announcements, Membership List, and Membership Form
View the entire issue of WPA 5.1 (Fall 1981) as one PDF file (1.81 MB).
WPA 4.3 (Spring 1981)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 4.3 (Spring 1981)
Frontmatter (including Harvey S. Wiener's "President's Message")
Maimon, Elaine P. "Writing in the Arts and Sciences: Getting Started and Gaining Momentum." WPA: Writing Program Administration 4.3 (1981): 9-13.
Fulwiler, Toby. "Writing across the Curriculum at Michigan Tech." WPA: Writing Program Administration 4.3 (1981): 15-20.
Raimes, Ann. "Writing across the Curriculum: Comment." WPA: Writing Program Administration 4.3 (1981): 21-22.
Furcron, Margaret. "The Writing Program Administration Guide to Planning and Organizing Regional Academic Conferences." WPA: Writing Program Administration 4.3 (1981): 23-51.
View the entire issue of WPA 4.3 (Spring 1981) as one PDF file (1.95 MB).
WPA 4.2 (Winter 1980)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 4.2 (Winter 1980)
Forum. Faculty Development in Composition
- Marius, Richard. "Faculty Indifference to Writing: A Pessimistic View." WPA: Writing Program Administration 4.2 (1980): 7-11.
- Lyons, Robert. "Faculty Development through Professional Collaboration." WPA: Writing Program Administration 4.2 (1980): 12-18.
- Nold, Ellen. "Helping Faculty Make Rewarding Assignments." WPA: Writing Program Administration 4.2 (1980): 19.
- Bonner, Thomas, Jr. "Six Steps toward Departmental Engagement in Composition." WPA: Writing Program Administration 4.2 (1980): 20.
- Brothers, Barbara. "Three Kinds of Writing Workshops for English Teachers." WPA: Writing Program Administration 4.2 (1980): 21-22.
WPA Board of Consultant Educators. "Writing Program Evaluation: An Outline for Self-Study." WPA: Writing Program Administration 4.2 (1980): 23-28.
Rankin, David. Review of The Effective Administrator by Donald E. Walker. "A Common-Sense Approach to Administration." WPA: Writing Program Administration 4.2 (1980): 29-33.
Contributors, Announcements, and Membership Form
View the entire issue of WPA 4.2 (Winter 1980) as one PDF file (1.29 MB).
WPA 4.1 (Fall 1980)
Contents of WPA: Writing Program Administration 4.1 (Fall 1980)
Dunn, Thomas M. "Writing in the Sciences." WPA: Writing Program Administration 4.1 (1980): 11-15.
Bataille, Robert R. "Hiring Composition Specialists." WPA: Writing Program Administration 4.1 (1980): 17-22.
Lyons, Robert. "The City University of New York Writing Assessment Test: A Faculty-Generated Model." WPA: Writing Program Administration 4.1 (1980): 23-27.
Brick, Allan. "The CUNY Writing Assessment Test and the Teaching of Writing." WPA: Writing Program Administration 4.1 (1980): 28-34.
Contributors, Announcements, and Membership Form
View the entire issue of WPA 4.1 (Fall 1980) as one PDF file (1.07 MB).
WPA 3.3 (Spring 1980)
Frontmatter (including a WPA "Reader Survey")
President's Message (Harvey S. Wiener)
Jewell, Walter. "The Contribution of Administrative Leadership to Academic Excellence." WPA: Writing Program Administration 3.3 (1980): 9-13.
Skerl, Jennie. "Training Writing Lab Tutors." WPA: Writing Program Administration 3.3 (1980): 15-18.
White, Edward M. "The California State University English Placement Test (EPT)--Purpose and Potential." WPA: Writing Program Administration 3.3 (1980): 19-22.
Brekke, Alice. "The Impact of Testing on One California University Campus: What the EPT Has Done to Is and for Us." WPA: Writing Program Administration 3.3 (1980): 23-26.
View the entire issue of WPA 3.3 (Spring 1980) as one PDF file (269 KB).
WPA 3.2 (1979)
Woods, William F. "Industrial Management and Teaching Evaluation Programs." WPA: Writing Program Administration 3.2 (1979): 9-16.
Flanigan, Michael C.. "Observing Teaching: Discovering and Developing the Individual's Teaching Style." WPA: Writing Program Administration 3.2 (1979): 17-24.
Findlen, George R.. "A Device for Interpreting the Results of Student Evaluation Forms." WPA: Writing Program Administration 3.2 (1979): 25-30.
WPA 3.1 (1979)
Editorial (Kenneth Bruffee)
Hairston, Maxine. "What Freshmen Directors Need to Know about Evaluating Writing Programs." WPA: Writing Program Administration 3.1 (1979): 11-16.
Lindemann, Erika. "Evaluating Writing Programs: What an Outside Evaluator Looks For." WPA: Writing Program Administration 3.1 (1979): 17-24.
Larkin, Greg. "The Essential Unity of Language Arts Programs: Its Pedagogical Implications." WPA: Writing Program Administration 3.1 (1979): 25-28.
WPA 2.3 (1979)
WPA: Writing Program Administration 2.3 (1979).
WPA 1.3 (1978)
Wiener, Harvey. "WPA President's Message." WPA: Writing Program Administration 1.3 (1978): 4.
Bruffee, Kenneth. "Editorial." WPA: Writing Program Administration 1.3 (1978): 6-12.
Council of Writing Program Administrators."Bylaws." WPA: Writing Program Administration 1.3 (1978): 13-15.
WPA 1.1
WPA: A Newsletter for Writing Program Administrators, vol. 1, no. 1.

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