CWPA Outstanding Scholarship Award Winners
On behalf of Jacob Babb, Chair of CWPA Outstanding Scholarship Award Committee, I'm pleased to announce the winners for 2021 and 2022.
Amanda Fields for her article, “Composing an Anti- Racism and Social Justice Statement at a Rural Writing Center.”
Committee's comments:
Committee members were particularly impressed with the openness of your article about the
collaborative process for producing an anti-racist and social justice statement. One member notes
that your “approach allowed for productive discussion about what it means to be anti-racist,”
stating further that “using a statement such as this to dismantle racism seems productive, and
these methods could be applied elsewhere.” Another member writes, “I found myself wanting to
annotate and take notes in it the way a graduate student would when reading an opus.”
Iris Ruiz for her chapter, “Critiquing the Critical: The Politics of Race and Coloniality in Rhetoric, Composition, and Writing Studies Research Traditions.”
Committee's comments:
Committee members were particularly impressed with your critique of existing methods in the
discipline combined with your model of curanderisma to push back against the inherent white
colonialism in the discipline. One committee member notes that they enjoyed how your chapter
“offered alternative methods for inclusive practices in our field.” Another member writes that
your chapter “provides both a critique of the ‘standard’ ways of performing research...and a
model for moving forward.”
Margaret Weaver, Kailyn Shartel Hall , and Tracey Glaessgen for their article, “Challenging Assumptions about Basic Writers and Corequisites at Four-Year Institutions.”
Committee's comments:
Committee members were very impressed by your critique of the corequisite model and your
argument that institutions should take into account the needs and experiences of their own
students to inform administrative decisions. One committee member notes, “The exigence for
this piece could not be more dramatic and the authors do a great job of setting the stage for the
study.” Another member writes that this article demonstrates “a lot of what WPAs have been
saying for years: Students know themselves better than what placement tests can tell us.”
Congratulations to all the winners.
I'd like to thank committee members:
Jacob Babb, Chair
Holly Anderson
Kelly Blewett
Ginny Crisco
Fangzhi He
Wendy Hinshaw
Adam Phillips
Rachel Robinson-Zetzer
Ashley Yuckenberg
CWPA Graduate Research Award Winners
Posted on behalf of Kat O'Meara, CWPA Graduate Research Award Committee Chair.
Keira M. Hambrick, for her manuscript "Instructor Assumptions and Cultural Accountability in First-Year Writing Transfer"
Madeline Crozier for her manuscript, "Graduate Student Instructors and the Politics of Writing Assessment: An Exploratory Study"
CWPA Kenneth Bruffee Award Winners
Posted on behalf of Kristi McDuffie, CWPA Kenneth Bruffee Award Committee Chair.
2023 Winner
Lisa Mastrangelo and Erin Anderson's article “Examining Retention at the SLAC: The Impact of Race, Class, and Resource Use on First-Year Writing,” published in WPA issue 46.1 (Fall 2022), has won the Kenneth Bruffee Award for 2023!
This award recognizes exceptional scholarship published in WPA: Writing Program Administration each year. Committee members valued the research-based focus on retention for first-generation and students of color and believe that it will be useful for a variety of programmatic contexts.
2024 Winner
Kaitlin Clinnin's article “Practicing Equitable and Sustainable Trauma-Informed Writing Program Administration through Disability Justice,” published in WPA issue 47.1 (Fall 2023), has won the Kenneth Bruffee Award for 2024!
This award recognizes exceptional scholarship published in WPA: Writing Program Administration each year. Committee members were impressed with the advocacy for this vital and understudied aspect of WPA work and believe this piece will support administrators and teachers for years to come.
Congratulations to all award winners, and thanks for the Kenneth Bruffee Award Committee members:
- Kristi McDuffie (Chair), University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Meaghan H. Brewer, Pace University
- Beth Buyserie, Utah State Universit
- David Thomas Johnson, Western Illinois University
- Mary Lourdes Silva, Ithaca College
- Amanda Sladek, University of Nebraska at Kearney
- Alex Watkins, Austin Community College
Outstanding Scholarship Award
The Outstanding Scholarship Award looks outside of the WPA journal to recognize the valuable work being published across the field in other journals and edited collections.
"Something Invisible…Has Been Made Visible for Me’: An Expertise-Based WAC Seminar Model Grounded in Theory and (Cross) Disciplinary Dialogue” by Angela Glotfelter, Ann Updike, and Elizabeth Wardle (appearing in Diverse Approaches to Teaching, Learning, and Writing Across the Curriculum: IWAC at 25 in 2020, edited by Bartlett et al.).
"Session Notes as a Professionalization Tool for Writing Center Staff" by Genie Nicole Giaimo and Samantha Jane Turner
“Rhetorical and Pedagogical Interventions for Countering Microaggressions” by Rasha Diab, Beth Godbee, Cedric Burrows, and Thomas Ferrel
"Rethinking SETs: Retuning Student Evaluations of Teaching for Student Agency," by Brian Ray, Jacob Babb, and Courtney Adams Wooten in Composition Studies 46(1).
"Writing Center Administrators and Diversity: A Survey” by Sarah Banschbach Valles, Rebecca Day Babcock, and Karen Keaton Jackson in The Peer Review.
Kenneth Bruffee Award
The Kenneth Bruffee Award recognizes exceptional scholarship published in WPA: Writing Program Administration. The award seeks to honor research that is cutting edge, methodologically rigorous, and has the potential to broadly impact writing programs and the discipline.
“Reclaiming Writing Placement” by Heidi Estrem, Dawn Shepherd, and Samantha Sturman (Spring 2018)
"Race, Silence, and Writing Program Administration: A Qualitative Study of US College Writing Programs" by Genevieve García de Müeller and Iris Ruiz (Spring 2017)
“Standard English and Colorblindness in Composition Studies: Rhetorical Constructions of Racial and Linguistic Neutrality” by Bethany Davila (Spring 2017)
"Politics, Rhetoric and Service Learning" by Candace Spigelman (Fall 2004)
"Using Multimedia to Teach Composition" by Mary Hocks (Fall/Winter 2001)
"Constructing Composition: Reproduction and WPA Agency in Textbook Publishing" by Libby Miles (Fall/Winter 2000)
CWPA Graduate Research Award for Writing in WPA Studies
Brent Cameron, "The Power of Story: Analyzing the Call for a Boycott of the CWPA"
Joe Franklin, "'Where Do I Draw The Boundaries?': Mobile Containment in TWPA Work"
Analeigh E. Horton, “Two Sisters and a Heuristic for Listening to Multilingual, International Students’ Directed Self-Placement Stories”
Stacey Cochran, Sydney Sullivan, Michelle Silvers, Sally F. Benson, and Nick Halsey. "Authenticity, Self-Compassion, and Self-Determination Theory: A Response to Power Inequities in College Writing Programs"
Molly Ubbesen, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Here it is: "Accessibility and Disability as Present Absences in Writing Programs"
Sara Summers, “Graduate Writing Centers in Context”
Tim Dougherty, “Between Rock and Hard Place: jWPAs Navigate the Promises of Portland and Wyoming in 2011”
Nancy Bou Ayash, “(Re) situating Labor in U.S. Writing Program Administration in Cross-National and Cross-Linguistic Perspectives”
Best Book Award
Black Perspectives in Writing Program Administration: From the Margins to the Center, edited by Staci Perryman-Clark and Collin Lamont Craig (NCTE, 2020)
Contingency, Exploitation, and Solidarity: Labor and Action in English Composition, edited Seth Kahn, William B. Lalicker, and Amy Lynch-Biniek (University Press of Colorado, 2019)
The WPA Outcomes Statement: A Decade Later, edited by Nicholas Behm, Gregory R Glau, Deborah H. Holdstein, Duane Roen, and Edward M. White. (Parlor Press, 2013)
GenAdmin: Theorizing WPA Identities in the Twenty-First Century by Colin Charlton, Jonikka Charlton, Tarez Samra Graban, Kathleen J. Ryan, and Amy Ferdinandt Stolley (Parlor Press, 2011)
The Activist WPA by Linda Adler-Kassner (Utah State UP, 2008)
Because we Live Here: Sponsoring Literacy Beyond the College Curriculum by Eli Goldblatt (Hampton, 2007)
Delivering College Composition: The Fifth Canon edited by Kathleen Blake Yancey (Heinemann, 2006)
Historical Studies of Writing Program Administration: Individuals, Communities, and the Formation of a Discipline, edited Barbara L'Eplattenier and Lisa Mastrangelo (Parlor Press, 2004)
The Writing Program Administrator's Resource: A Guide to Reflective Institutional Practice edited by Stuart C. Brown and Theresa Enos (Lawrence Earlbaum Associates, 2002)
The Center Will Hold: Critical Perspectives on Writing Center Scholarship edited by Michael A. Pemberton and Joyce Kinkead (Utah State UP, 2003)
Coming of Age: The Advanced Writing Curriculum edited by Linda K. Shamoon, Rebecca Moore Howard, Sandra Jamison, and Robert A. Schwegler (Heinemann-Boyton/Cook, 2000)
POCC WPA-GO Research Award
Dr. Ashanka Kumari
CWPA Best Book Award Winners
On behalf of Christina Saidy, Chair of the CWPA Best Book Award Committee, I'm pleased to announce the winners of the 2024 award:
Materiality and Writing Studies: Aligning Labor, Scholarship and Teaching by Holly Hassel and Cassandra Phillips.
Congratulations, Holly and Cassandra.
- Christina Saidy (Chair), Arizona State University,
- Beth Boswell, University of Alabama in Huntsville,
- Lynda Dexheimer, Rutgers University,
- Amy Hodges, University of Texas at Arlington,
- Jennifer Kepka, Lance Community College,
- Kim Lacey, Saginaw Valley State University,
- Laura J. Panning Davies, SUNY Cortland,
- Lynn Reid, Fairleigh Dickinson University,
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