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CWPA in February/March

A Monthly Update for Members


Dear Members

I don’t know about you, but I felt that February seemed to last like forever, even for a Leap year. I’m glad it’s finally over although that means we’re hitting the mid-semester point and getting busier by the day.

Topics in this Newsletter

WPA Outcome Statement 4.0 Revision Task Force

Regional Conferences

Spring Workshops

CWPA Research Grants

Outstanding Scholarship Award – Deadline extended

Graduate Research Award – Deadline extended

WPA Outcomes Statement 4.0 Revision Task Force

Many of our members have been asking about the WPA Outcomes Statement revision. We all agree the current OS 3.0 is overdue for revision given everything that has happened since it was released in 2014. I recently shared the news that the WPA OS 4.0 Revision Task Force has been formed and had the first meeting in February.

The Task Force is chaired by three outstanding scholars who bring such diverse expertise between them:

Michelle Bachelor Robinson, Spelman College

Antonio Byrd, University of Missouri in Kansas City

Alwin Harahap, Queens College


The co-chairs selected six members whose expertise and areas of study are needed for this OS revision:

Sheila Carter-Tod, University of Denver, WPA, Black studies, leadership, student success

Stephanie Kerschbaum, University of Washington: An amazing WPA and disability studies scholar, a much needed area on the committee

Cruz Medina, Santa Clara University, Latinx rhetorics, community writing, education 

Bernice Olivas, Salt Lake Community College, DEI, CCCC Outstanding Teacher

Rochelle (Shelley) Rodrigo, University of Arizona, WPA, technologies facilitate communicative interactions, specifically teaching and learning

Amy J. Wan, Queens College, policy around language diversity, multilingual writers


You can see the Task Force charges on our website.

Regional Conferences

After reviewing the proposals submitted from different institutions to host the 2024 CWPA Regional Conferences, we have accepted six proposals. Expect to hear more details about each event by the end of March. I can tell you now that these events will be regional gatherings where writing program directors meet and discuss very timely and relevant topics. Stay tuned!

Spring Workshops

We still have three virtual workshops scheduled for this spring. Check them out and register soon.

March 29: Developing Data-Informed Approach to Strategic and Tactical Writing Program Administration by Susan Lang, Ohio State University

Free, Member-Only Event April 10: Crafting Writing Success: Time Mastery and Publishing Prowess for WPAs and WCDs by Christine Tulley, Findlay University

May 3: Mindful Leadership for Writing Program Administrators: Exercising Compassion through(out) Reflection by Cheri Lemieux Spiegel, Northern Virginia Community College and Susan Miller-Cochran, University of Arizona

CWPA Research Grants Are Back

After some hiatus, the CWPA Research Grants are back to support WPAs’ research that “investigat[es] practices that support educational equity and meaningful change in postsecondary writing or literacy programs.” Check out the complete CFP HERE.

Two award committees have recently announced a deadline extension for submissions:

CWPA Outstanding Scholarship Award (see 2024 Cfn Cwpa Award For Outstanding Scholarship On Writing Program Administration Extended Deadline)

CWPA Graduate Research Award (see CFP HERE)

As always, all your suggestions and feedback are welcome and appreciated.










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