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CWPA Call for Nominations: President, Vice President, and Executive Board Members
Dear Members,
Please see the announcement below from the Nominating Committee Chair, Ryan Shepherd.
The Nominating Committee of the CWPA would like to call for nominations for the positions of President, Vice President, and Executive Board for the 2024-2025 year. These positions would begin their terms on July 1, 2024. Each position is detailed below.
The person elected to the position of President will serve for 2 years: One year as President and one as Immediate Past President. Normally, this position would also be Vice President for one year, but in this special case (approved by the Executive Board), the elected person will go directly into the president role. To assist with this transition, an Advisory Council of Past Presidents will be formed, including Lilian Mina, the current WPA President. This position receives free conference registration for the CWPA National Conference as well as a $1500 travel allowance for travel expenses to CWPA and CCCC during their year as President. Candidates must have served CWPA in some capacity to be nominated. Service may include but is not limited to serving on the Executive Board, serving as an Ex-Officio member, chairing a CWPA committee, facilitating the WPA workshop, or co-chairing the summer conference.
Vice President:
The person elected to the position of Vice President will serve for 3 years: One year as Vice President, one as President, and one as Immediate Past President. As with president, this position receives free conference registration for the CWPA National Conference as well as a $1500 travel allowance for travel expenses to CWPA and CCCC during their year as President. Candidates must have served CWPA in some capacity to be nominated as above.
Executive Board (4 Members):
The CWPA is seeking four members for the executive board. Three of the members will replace current members who have finished their three-year terms. The fourth member will replace a member who vacated their seat early to serve as CWPA Treasurer and will serve only two years.
People in these positions will be joining the CWPA leadership team at an exciting time, including as the CWPA Outcomes Statement gets updated and on the heels of major changes to diversify and modernize.
Candidates for each position will be narrowed by the Nominating Committee based on their credentials, diversity of personal and professional background, and service to the organization. Nominees must submit a current CV and a nomination letter to the committee no later than April 12th. Self-nominations are acceptable and encouraged. Finalists will be chosen by the end of April for voting in mid- to late-May. Finalists will be asked to submit a bio and statement upon notification of being chosen and will have two weeks to submit these materials after notification.
Please send any questions and/or nomination materials to the chair of the Nominating Committee, Ryan Shepherd, If nominating another person, be sure to secure their permission to nominate them prior to submitting the nomination.