Complete Story
CWPA in April/May
A Monthly Update for Members
Dear CWPA Members,
Hope everyone had/is having a smooth end of the spring semester/quarter and is ready for summer action. CWPA has a lot of action planned for this summer, so I hope you’ll choose to join one or more of the summer events.
Topics in this newsletter
Executive Board and Leadership Elections
Summer Workshop for WPAs
Regional Events
Virtual Events
Executive Board and Leadership Elections
The Nominating Committee received a record number of 11 nominations for four seats on the Executive Board, one nomination for President, and one for Vice President. The committee is currently preparing the ballot with all candidates’ bios and statements. The plan is to run the elections in the last week of May.
I’d like to thank everyone who put their name forward or accepted to be nominated for one of these roles. While voluntary national service to CWPA is such meaningful and rewarding work, it can often be invisible to administrators of our institutions and/or to members. Please know that as the leader of this organization, I truly appreciate your commitment and willingness to contribute to the future of CWPA.
I’d also like to express my gratitude for the Nominating Committee members for their incredible work on this important cycle of elections for the Executive Board and leadership:
- Ryan Shepherd (Chair), Northern Illinois University
- Sonja Andrus, University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College
- Kristi Murray Costello, Old Dominion University
- Jolivette Mecenas , California Lutheran University
- Michael Pak, University of Hawaii - West Oahu
- Missy Phegley, Southeast Missouri State University
- Robin Snead, University of North Carolina at Pembroke
Make sure your membership is current in order to vote in the upcoming elections. You can check the status of your membership or join CWPA HERE. Membership comes with other perks, such as reduced conference, regional events, and virtual workshop registration, free member-only webinars and workshops, access to research grants, among other benefits.
Summer Workshop for WPAs
Joanne Giordano and David Green, summer workshop co-facilitators, are planning a great event for WPAs next month at the University of Central Florida. The summer workshop for WPAs is the best professional development and mentoring opportunity for both new and continuing WPAs and those appointed to similar positions. The workshop I attended a few months after my appointment as WPA has been influencing and shaping every aspect of my administrative work for over six years at two different institutions. The knowledge, resources, mentorship, and community continue to inform my decisions and impact my day-to-day work.
If you need a letter from CWPA to support your request for fund to attend the workshop, I’m more than happy to write such a letter. As a matter of fact, the two people who requested a letter, have successfully received fund from their institutions and have registered for the workshop. Email me ( your job responsibilities and other relevant details of your position, and I’ll tailor a letter for your Chair/Dean/Provost.
To learn more about the workshop, please visit our website.
Regional events
The organizers of the CWPA one-day regional events have been working so hard to create engaging events on a wide range of topics. Registration is now open for most of those events.
Please note that registration details have been determined by each event organizers and vary by event.
June Events
Two-Year College Writing Placement
Location: College DuPage
Date: June 11th
Registration Link:
Valuing Linguistic Diversity and Advancing Social Justice in Writing Programs
Location: University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Date: June 18th
Event details and RSVP link:
Artificial Intelligence and Linguistic Diversity in Writing Programs
Location: University of Central Florida, FL
Date: June 28th
Registration Link:
July Events
Rhetorical Literacies for Reimagined Futures
Location: Texas A&M, Galveston, TX
Date: July 13th
Registration (opening later this week) link:
WPA-ing Through Risk & Failure
Location: UMass, Dartmouth, MA
Date: July 17th
Full call (Google doc) linked here
Proposal submission form (google forms) linked here, due May 6th
WISCO Affiliate Summer Event
Location: St. Norbert College, WI
Date: July 29th
Registration link:
Virtual workshops
In April, Christine Tulley led a member-only workshop on publishing as writing program and writing center director. “Crafting Writing Success: Time Mastery and Publishing Prowess for WPAs and WCDs” was equally engaging and informative, and participants left the workshop with so many ideas on how to convert their administrative work into publications.
Last Friday, we hosted the "Mindful Leadership for Writing Program Administrators: Exercising Compassion through(out) Reflection", the second workshop in the Mindful Leadership for Writing Program Administrators, designed and co-facilitated by
Susan Miller-Cochran and Cheri Lemieux Spiegel. The two workshops had great interaction, lots of insightful ideas, and many resources and readings on being an intentional and mindful administrator.
Our last virtual event for 2023 – 2024 is another Free, Member-Only workshop on grant proposal writing. Holly Hassel and Joanne Giordano will co-lead “Designing and Funding Equity-Focused Program Research” on Tuesday May 7th. While the workshop is in support of CWPA members interested in submitting a proposal for our Research Grant Award, it is very useful for members interested in grant proposal writing in general.
Use this link to register for the workshop.
And check out the 2024 Research Grant Award CFP HERE.
As always, I welcome your feedback, comments, and suggestions at
Wishing everyone a great summer.