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Extended Deadline for Survey re: Outcomes Statement
Dear colleagues,
Thanks to the many folks who have filled out the brief survey about the WPA Outcomes for First-Year Composition! To allow more people to participate, we've extended the survey deadline to Friday, April 4.
We are interested in who you are, how you currently use the Outcomes Statement, and what changes to the Outcomes Statement you would like to see.
Our committee is dedicated to revising the Outcomes Statement so that it addresses issues of accessibility and disability, linguistic diversity, and generative artificial intelligence. We'd like to hear from you regarding other key areas for revision, which might be taken up by this Task Force or by a future CWPA Task Force.
The survey is 6 questions and will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. It can be completed on a mobile device. The Task Force will meet at CCCC in Baltimore to discuss the survey results and to work on our draft.
Link to the survey:
Thank you for your time!
Michelle Bachelor Robinson, Antonio Byrd, and Al Harahap
Co-Chairs of the Outcomes Statement Task Force
Co-Chairs of the Outcomes Statement Task Force