WPA: Writing Program Administration


WPA: Writing Program Administration is home to a wide range of scholarship that not only helps administrators of writing programs do their jobs, but also helps our discipline advance academically, institutionally, and nationally. WPA Writing Program Administration is published twice a year: fall and spring.

We publish article-length (up to 7,500 words) empirical and theoretical research on issues in writing program administration. We also invite shorter (3,000-5,000) case studies or reflections, situated in current conversations in the field, about writing program development, evaluation, revision, and re-envisioning for our "Everything is Praxis" section. 

Possible topics of interest include:

  • writing faculty professional development
  • writing program creation and design
  • uses for national learning outcomes and statements that impact writing programs
  • classroom research studies
  • labor conditions: material, practical, fiscal
  • anti-racists WPA work
  • WAC/WID/WC/CAC (or other sites of communication/writing in academic settings)
  • writing centers and writing center studies
  • teaching writing with electronic texts (multimodality) and teaching in digital spaces
  • theory, practice, and philosophy of writing program administration
  • outreach and advocacy
  • curriculum development
  • writing program assessment
  • social justice through WPA work
  • WPA history and historical work
  • national and regional trends in education and their impact on WPA work
  • issues of professional advancement and writing program administration
  • diversity and WPA work
  • writing programs in a variety of educational locations (SLACs, HBCUs, 2-year colleges, Hispanic schools, non-traditional schools, dual credit or concurrent enrollment programs, prison writing programs)
  • interdisciplinary work that informs WPA practices

This list is meant to be suggestive, not exhaustive. Contributions must be appropriate to the interests and concerns of the journal. The editors welcome empirical research (quantitative as well as qualitative), historical research, and theoretical, essayistic, or praxis pieces.

For more information about submission procedures and review criteria, please see our  "Information for Authors" page.

Interested in reviewing submission for us?

Current editorial team


  • Tracy Ann Morse, East Carolina University
  • Patti Poblete, South Puget Sound Community College
  • Wendy Sharer, East Carolina University

Book Review Editor

  • Kelly Moreland, Minnesota State University, Mankato

Assistant Editor

  • Mina Bikmohammadi, East Carolina University

Land acknowledgement

We acknowledge that much of the work of WPA: Writing Program Administration is done on the traditional lands of the Tuscarora People, the Steh-Chass band of the Squaxin Island Tribe and Nisqually Indian Tribe, the Dakota Nation, the Cherokee People, and other Indigenous Peoples. While the work of a journal is multivocal, collaborative, and now often virtual, we believe it is important to recognize that each participant labors within space that was often unceded by its ancestral peoples. We do this to reaffirm our commitment and responsibility to mindful and equitable scholarship. We invite you to review the list of resources used to craft this statement.